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{louis' pov}

I was sitting in a white fold-up chair that had deep red roses attached to the top as I watched people carry Harry's coffin down the isle all the way to the front of the funeral. Harry's coffin was a dark brown wooden texture, with countless amounts of flowers all over the top of it.

After they had set his coffin upon this table in front of the people, it was time to go up to the coffin and set your flowers on top, and say a couple words to Harry before he was lowered in the ground. 

I slowly walked up to his coffin, struggling not to cry. Once I finally reached my destination, I gently set a huge bouquet of white roses on top of his coffin. 

     "Harry....." I began, "You were my best friend. The only person in the world I felt I could talk to; a person who would listen to my problems, and help me get through them. But now that you're gone, I have no one to talk to; no one to turn to. I'm lost, Harry." The tears balled up in my eyes, about ready to fall down my cheeks any second now. 

     "If only I could see you one last time, if I could talk to you one last time, I'd tell you of how much pain I'm in right now." I wiped away a stray tear just before continuing, "I'd tell you how much I'm missing you right now. I'd tell you how much I love you, and that I wish you hadn't gone so soon. You didn't deserve to die, you didn't deserve any of this." I was fully crying now. 

"I love you so much, Harry." I broke down and started weeping fairly loudly in my hands, kneeling down to the ground. I was silently sobbing when I felt someone's hand touch my shoulder, "Louis, are you okay?" Liam asked, pulling me to my feet. 

"No." I barely whispered.

It was only until I turned to face Liam that I noticed countless flashes of the papperazzi cameras flashing our way. 

They just never know when to stop do they? They are disrespectful, selfish people for taking pictures for a magazine at someones funeral.

Once I was fully on my feet, I saw Liam's tear stained face as he watched my every move, just like Harry used to do. 

Liam pulled me in his embrace, as the tears rolled down my cheeks and onto his black suit, forming a slightly darker spot.

Quiet sobs could be heard from the silent crowd of people at Harry's funeral. 

Harry's parents stood up, both holding their own bouquet of flowers, and started slowly walking up the isle towards Harry's coffin. 

The people that carried Harry's coffin to the table in front of all the people, opened half the coffin, so people could see Harry's face.

But I couldn't do it. I couldn't look at his lifeless body; I couldn't look at his pale face, his lips. Oh God, his perfect lips. Those lips I used to kiss ever so passionately. I simply couldn't look at Harry in his lifeless state.

His parents walked up to his coffin, as I walked back to my chair, and sat down. 

His mother broke down into his step-father's arms once they had set down their bouquets. 

If only I had someone to hold me. If only I had Harry to hold me. 

I have no one. 

And I want no one except the one I love. 


     After everyone had delivered their flowers, and had their words with Harry, it was time for my speech. A speech that I was so nervous to talk about in front of all the people; in front of my best friends; and basically in front of the whole world, judging on how many men with big cameras their were at Harry's funeral. 

bittersweet | larry stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now