seven | could he possibly

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{louis' pov}

I always thought I would be the first one confessing; I never knew Harry was in love with me. 

"I...I love you too, Harry." I replied.

"R-Really? I thought I was the only one who felt this way, the only one who was.." 

"No.... No I guess not."I finished for him, trembling at the beautiful sight of the man I loved.

A couple seconds of awkward silence were held, no words were spoken until Harry broke the silence.


"Mmm?" I hummed.

"Kiss me." 

My eyes widened with... I don't know what they widened for. Not fear. Not hatred. Not anything, for this was what I truly wanted. 

With one last gulp errupting in my throat, I slowly leaned in, close enough to feel his hot breath trickle against my lips. 

Our faces were only inches apart before our lips collided, crashing into each other. At first it was a messy kiss, only gradually increasing into a more passionate kiss, filled with meaning. 

Once we had let go, both of us were trembling, gasping for air, but soon after, leaning in for another kiss. 

     Once our lips were in contact, his lips just melted into mine. I closed my eyes, and began kissing him back. His tongue slipped against my bottom lip, begging for an entrance, but I teased him, and wouldn't let him in. He smirked into the kiss, making me chuckle. He took this opportunity to stick his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues fought for dominance, but I let him win, just because, the need to breath became too much. We pulled away, and I rested my forehead against his, forgetting about everything else around us.

"Wow." I said simply. Closing my eyes, telling myself in my head that yes, in fact, this was really happening. 

With Harry's plump lips slightly agape, he softly spoke, "T-That was amazing, Lou." He cheekily smiled.

     I just stared at him, not wanting to look away, for his green emeralds for eyes were so very captivating. "I love you." I barely whispered, not wanting to ever stop telling him that, "And I love you." He replied, I rested my hand on his head, my fingers tangling in his hair.

     "I've felt this way about you for a long time now, but I was having a rough time accepting the fact that I was gay, and that I was in love with my best friend. I guess I've been in love with you for the longest time without realizing. Or without wanting to realize it, atleast." Harry explained, I listened.

     "I've felt this way for a long time as well, but I've been too afraid, too cowardly to confess my love to you; I had no idea how you would react. Never in a million years would I have guessed you'd be the first to confess. I always thought I would be the one to say those three words first." 

"I guess I beat you to it." Harry winked, I smiled at that. 

     And in that moment, I realized, Harry was the only one I wanted to be with for the rest of my life. Never would I find someone I'd love as much as I love Harry right now. Never would I find someone just as perfect as Harry is. Harry was truly the only one for me, and now I realized that he felt the same.


a/n; :OO they kissed!! 

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