four | bad sickness, bad dreams

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{harry's pov}

     "I've decided to start Harry on a new medication. The last one wasn't helping much with the pain, and the nautiousness, I've decided to test out some new medications that I believe will help him." The doctor informed Louis, and my mother as they thought I was asleep, but I wasn't.

After the doctor had left, I heard someone new walk into the room, I could sense their eyes were on me, as I tried to look as asleep as possible. 

"How is he? I got here as fast as I could." That sounded like Robin. 

     "He's okay... for now. Like I said on the telephone, he has a serious brain tumor; the doctor just put him on a different medication to help more with the pain issues, and his natiousness." Mom replied to Robin.

I slowly opened my eyes as if I was just waking up from being asleep. 

There at the foot of my hospital bed stood Robin.


{a/n; robin had just come back from visiting friends across the country, when he had heard about harry's tumor, he drove to the hospital as fast as he could.}

"Yes, It's me. How are you feeling?" He replied comfortingly.

"Heavy, and my head is pounding. But I've sort of gotten used to having head-throbbing headaches; it doesn't hurt as much anymore. I'm glad you're here, Robin. I missed you." I forced a smile. 

He smiled right back, walking to my side, gently moving a stray curly lock from my face, back into place at the top of my head. 

     His eyes were glassy as his head tilted a bit, mom coming up from being him, wrapping her arms around his waist, and resting her chin upon his shoulder. Now they both had glassy eyes, only soon to be tears streaming down both of their faces.

"D-Don't cry. Please, don't be sad." I attempted to soothe their sadness. 

"We just love you so much" Robin sighed, his warm thumb gently brushing against my cheek. 

"I love you too." 

I looked around the room, and just noticed that Louis was no longer in the room. 

"Where's Louis?" I asked.

"I finally convinced him to get home, and have some rest; he hasn't left your side since you've arrived here - only getting little sleep. Until then, we're here to keep you company." Mom sweetly smiled. 

Louis is the only person I knew who would possibly do that in a situation like mine.


I slowly creeked my eyelids open, turning my head to stare at the clock, it read: 3:26 am.

Great. Just great. 

I looked around the hospital room, my parents were nowhere to be found, they must've left home while I was asleep or something. 

Suddenly I felt my hand grab for the covers, wripping them from my no-longer-warm-body. I wasn't moving my arms. Something else was. 

I got up from my bed, and walked out of the hospital room, peering down the hall, left, and right. 

It was pitch black, no-one to be found. Not a shred of light either. 

     Something moved my legs further down the hall, passing hospital room after another. I felt like I was the only one left in this hospital, there was no-one in the staying rooms, or anywhere. No late night workers. Nothing. 

This can't be real, I must be dreaming. 

I attempted to pinch my arm, hoping to wake up from whatever I was in, but it wasn't working. This definitely wasn't reality. Either I'm dreaming, or I'm simply going nuts. 

     My legs carried me farther down the unusually long hallway, until I reached a doorway at the end of the hall. I looked through one of the two small square windows at the top of the door, and saw a man inside what looked to be the morgue. He was wearing a black suit, he had white slicked back hair, and he appeared to be towering over a dead corpse he had pulled from one of the body refrigerators. 

     Somehow I moved my hand, it was now resting atop of the doornob, I slowly twisted the knob, creeking open the heavy wooden doors. There stood the creepy man in from of me, his back facing me as something quietly moved me closer to the tall, slim man.

"I know you're there, there's no point in sneaking." Said the deep, raspy voice of which I assumed to be the old man in front of me. 

He slowly turned, yet to reveal his face. Once his face was fully in view, I was trying to identify this man in the dim lighting.

Suddenly the lights flickered on. 

I don't believe it. The man stood in front of me was... well, me. He looked exactly like me, I mean. 

"W-Who are you?" I managed to squeak out of my dry mouth. 

"I'm you." 

"H-How?" I was stuttering my words out. 

"I'm you from the future. Your dreaming right now, so none of this is real. I am only something of your imagination. I'm not real.. Yet I am.." He turned back to the black body bag he was towering over before.

"Look here. What do you see?" He opened the body bag, and gestured for me to look inside. 

I squinted my eyes as he unzipped the zipper, for the bright light shining inside was blinding me. Once the light had died down, the dead corpse was now fully in view. 

Curly hair, pale skin, my features, this was me.

"This is also you from the future. I am what you would've become if you hadn't had had that serious brain tumor of yours, and this is what you will become." He explained.


"Harry, wake up!" He mouthed the voice of my mother. 

My vision blurred as I shot open my eyelids.

"W-What's going on?" I mumbled.

"You must've been having a nightmare, you were groaning, and mumbling things in your sleep." Liam was here, as were the rest of the boys. 

I slowly sat up, rubbing my eyes, attempting to wake up a little, and ease the massive headache I had woken up to.

"The nurse just left, she told me to give you these when you woke up." Mom handed me what looked to be 4..... or 7 pills. I was too dizzy to count correctly. 

After taking the pills, I noticed everyone was staring at me, "What?" 

"We love you, Harry. You know you can tell us anything, right?" Zayn replied.

"Yeah, I know.." I whispered.


a/n; sorry i haven't updated this in sooo long. i just haven't been getting that much inspiration for writing more chapters lately. sorry though. i'll try to update more often, but anywhoozle. here's chapter 5! i think this chapter is actually really cool, what do you guys think?

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