deh storreh of deh emo roolurs

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Okey onse apon a eylinr ther wus 4 guis

"whERE IS YOOR BOY TONIIIIIIGHT??!!!???" one of thm sang. Anoyher plaied drums and anothr made lyrics and anathor did guitary things.

Suddnly the lyric d00de got a mesage on his emophone.

"We're bettur than u listn to dis demo bish" it sed

"Oh hell nu" he said. He listened to da demo. "Holeh shit we need to get theese guys signned" he sead.

They got them signed as the othr emo rulers. "I am Brenden Urie" one of dem sed. "Dats cool I'm pete wentz" the lyric doode sed.

"i am Patrick stump" said the adorable singy gui.

"O kool" sed brenden

sudan(Howell)ly a sassy emo came 2 the three emo rulers.

"I am Gerard way the sassy gay emo" he sed.

"May I join ur thing"

"Hell yeahs" all of dem sed.

*liek 4 yeaes l8tr*

1 dai fall out boy diED?!???!!!!!!11?!11!!!!!?2!?

penis at the disco guis wer sad.

Mcr guis wer sad and made new album

But fall out gay was still alIV E!!!!1! But they wer hiding???!?

gerard gay's bruhther was sad Dat his bf was DEAD!

But gee didnt kno dat hus bro luved pete!!!????????? His bruther mikay way becam mor emo den.

Den aftr three yaers fob guis came bAK!!!?!!??!!

Mikey wus happi dat his bf wusnt ded anymor. but pete wusnt as emo as b4????!?
"Save rock n rool" fob sed
Gee saw dat dey were bak so den he did a thing and MCR broke up!?!!!!!?!!?!!?!!!!?!!!!!!he knw dat fob take ther plaec?

Evry1 was sad but thht mafd evey1 emoer????!

"did u not just hear us" fob sed.

Milky way brok up w/ Petey 4 sum reson.

pete got sad but den dayted Patrck???

dey were happeh

And Brenden urie had nothing to do with the entire thing.

And Patrick was like "that's goOOOOoooooOOOOoOOOOOD"

Then one day panic made a song and bebo turned into Satan????? And ptrck used 2 b a demon so he solved dat shit n fizxed it w/ Doug the pug.

So now evrythng is noice


(Uh end of chapter I guess.

I'm sorry for this eye sore but I'm bored af and I just decided to make this I guess)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2015 ⏰

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