Chapter 4: Play Date Aftermath

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When Luke and Ashton woke up they did not expect to find the apartment trashed. Okay so maybe it wasn't completely trashed but when they went to bed last night it did not look like this. Things were knocked down everywhere and there was small rips in the furniture. And right in the middle of the mess were two contently sleeping fur balls.

The first one to wake up when Luke gasped at his apartment was Sniffles. He slowly stretched and when his eyes landed on the two angry boys he jumped up and ran straight to his crate. Leaving the sleeping Michael on his own. Luke looked around the room seeing the mess once again and heaved a sigh. "Ash, will you help me pick up?" With a nod they started to clean.

Stuff was knocked down from the counters and tables and Luke couldn't believe that these two cats could get into this much trouble. Okay maybe he expected it from Michael but not Sniffles. Luke's already learned they Mikey's very mischievous but he never thought that Sniffles could do something like this. He had always thought he was a mellow and calm cat.

As him an Ashton migrated into the living room to pick up in there Michael started to wake up. It first started with a twitch of his small ear, then one giant stretch from a small kitten. And before Luke knew it the kitten was sitting up with sleep still in his body. The kitten yawned and blinked a few time before he realized the two boys in the room were looking at him.

When he finally did notice the kitten practically smirked at them and ran off into the apartment, and that's when Luke knew that he would have to keep a close eye on his furry feline. And by the time they were done picking up and Ashton had to leave the animals were playing again. So Luke scooped Mikey into his hand so Ashton could grab Sniffles.

Michael squirmed in his hand when seeing his friend be put in his crate but unfortunately for Michael Luke was not going to let him go. So after a while he stopped squirming and went limp in Luke's hand. The only thing moving was his soft belly against Luke's palm. He carried the kitten over with him so he could say goodbye to Ash and Michael sniffed the crate that held his friend. Sniffles stuck his paw out and Michael licked it to say goodbye.

Then Ashton and the cat were off and that left the two alone in Luke's apartment. Luke decided that he wouldn't punish Michael because that was his first play date/demolish Luke's home spree. And Luke carried him to the living room and sat down on the couch. He grabbed the spare blanket and checked the time, he still had three hours before he had to work so he figured a cuddle session would be great.

With that he switched on the tv and layed down, putting Michael on top of his blanket covered chest and gently kissed his head. He gently pet the kitten and rubbed his tiny paws. As Michael's purrs grew louder the time ticked by and Luke never wanted to leave this position. With his tiny companion sleeping on his chest and his favorite show playing in the background, he knew this unusual kitten would fit in his life perfectly

It Started With A Kitten (Muke Hybrid AU)Where stories live. Discover now