Final Chapter: New Beginnings And Sharing Stories

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When Luke opened his eyes that morning he didn't expect to feel two arms wrapped around his waist and someone's nose nuzzled into his neck. He knew it couldn't be Ashton because these arms were a little longer and didn't have as much muscle on them. They were still nice and firm and Luke felt like he could lay in them for days. He then remembered what went down last night.

He turned around in Michael's arms, careful not to wake the boy. At least now he could get a good look at the boy, last night he skimmed over it because of the shock but now he wanted to know the boy his kitten really was. Michael had a light complexion, Luke could only guess from being in his apartment for the past 4 and a half months. His hair was a bright pink like the spot on his kitten, and his face was nicely relaxed.

Luke slowly took in the facial features of the boy. He had a nice strong brow bone on him, not where it was too much but enough that if you were close enough you'd notice it. His closed eyes were fanned with nice dark lashes. His nose was so cute and perfect and like had no idea how that was possible. His lips were the most red and plump Luke's ever seen. Even beating out Ashton's which Luke can't help but compare them too.

Luke had never seen lips so kissable and it made him slightly flustered. Honestly if he didn't have any self control he'd probably had kissed the boy by now, he was stunningly beautiful from head to toe. Luke's eyes slowly traveled down and saw that Michael also had a really nice jaw line and man that was hot. Luke got more curious to see if the boy was clothed or not or if he shifted then put clothes on.

When Luke saw the light freckles displayed over Michael's chest he blushed, he's being so fucking creepy right now. But hey he's pretty sure Michael's already seen him naked, wait oh god he's seen him naked! He knew he always felt eyes watching him before but now he know that there actually were, Michael was creeping on him! But does that mean he likes what he sees?

Luke shook his head, he did not need to be getting caught up in these thoughts. Luke's eyes trailed down more and Luke noticed that he'd stolen almost all the blankets leaving Michael with barley any. And he did in fact notice that Michael was naked, the only thing covering him was the small, very very small, amount of blankets Luke left him. Luke blushed and looked away noticing that he was staring for too long.

"You know, it's alright to stare." Michael's voice startled Luke. He must have not noticed when the boy woke up. Now Luke really blushed hard, he tried to splutter out multiple things but nothing would come out. Leaving him to look like a goldfish out of water. Michael laughed lightly, not in a mocking way, and tightened his hold around Luke, Luke turned away to try and make an escape but Michael's arms held him in place.

He slowly melted into the cuddle and pushed back into Michael. Luke sighed contently when Michael started humming a random tune. It was nice and content just lying in Michael's arms. This was probably the best cuddle he's ever had. After a while of just laying there he decided that he needed to get to know the boy better. He turned around in Michael's arms and was a little stunned when he was smushed even further into the boys chest.

He let out a squeak and snuggled into the boys chest. "Hey Michael?" The boy hummed and it reminded him of Mikey's purr. "Do you think you could tell me your story again, I didn't quite catch it last night." There was quite a bit of silence when Luke realized that this was probably a touchy subject. "I'll tell you mine if you'd like that." He could feel Michael nod against the top of his head and the bit place a kiss there too.

It felt weird to cuddle like this again, the last time he did this was when him and Ashton were dating. Now his and ash's cuddles weren't the same, mostly in Ashton's part. "So I um grew up in a very small town in Australia with my parents and two older brothers. My town was sorta shitty because once you were labeled as an outcast you could never change it. I, was an outcast. School was shitty for me. And um-"

Luke had to take a deep breath he hated talking about his childhood it was horrible and cruel. "And I was bullied a lot. For how I looked, how I acted, and hell even for the way I walked. Everyone found something to pick on me for and it just about ruined me. To keep it simple my family found out about what this kids and myself were doing to me after about 5 years of it happening."

"It was my senior year and they notice that I never left my room to do stuff. That I secluded myself so I could feel safe. And they felt bad but it wasn't their fault you know? Like how were they supposed to know I only had one friend that stuck by me no matter what. I guess I just put on a good mask or something, we never talk about what happened and then when I graduated I decided to move out here."

"I feel like I fit in here way more then I ever did there, my best friend followed me a few months later and now here I am, spilling my life story out that even Ashton doesn't fully know to a boy who I thought was my kitten but now is a boy. And it's all so confusing." Luke laughed lightly. This was a touchy subject for him as well. He didn't expect all that he said to come out. He's always had a rough time talking about it, even to Ashton.

Luke felt Michael's arms tighten around him, "It's my turn now, isn't it?" Michael giggled a little trying to lighten the mood. Luke smiled and nodded, "Well I was born here, in New York. When my 'mom' popped me out I was completely normal supposedly. They were decent parents up until I was about six. That's when I first started to shift. When they saw me do it they grew disgusted and scared."

"They started calling me names and treating me horribly. By the time I was seven they had thrown me out onto the street. I was fucking seven years old and they threw me out like I was trash. Anyways, I was out living on the street for maybe six months when a nice lady by the name of Joy Hood took me in. They said the knew what I was because of their son Calum. He was like me to, they said that I could stay with them for as long as I wanted."

"And they loved me like I was one of their own. I was able to be me and when I got my piercing and dyed my hair I knew that they wouldn't care because at least I was being me. Then I got curios about the world. So I started this game where I could see how long I could live with someone in kitten for before the figured me out. And honestly you were one of my conquest but living here, with you, I never wanted to leave."

"Luke I want to stay here because even though it feels like were strangers I've never felt more like I've know someone like the back of my hand then you. And I would like to keep staying here if that's okay." Michael laughed nervously, Luke was still stunned by how much this boy had gone through. Like yes, everyone goes through things no matter how little or big they're still things that affect you as a person and Michael has survived through his hardship.

Luke looked up at Michael and untangled his arms he sat up slightly and smile at the nervous boy and said one thing at made the boys entire body scream joy. "Friends?" And Michael pushed away Luke's lifted hand and pulled the boy in a huge hug not caring if he was naked or not. Luke hugged him back just as tightly and heard Michael whisper 'friends'. And he knew getting that kitten wasn't a bad idea before but now he's super grateful that he's the klutz he is and 'found' him.



It Started With A Kitten (Muke Hybrid AU)Where stories live. Discover now