Chapter 11: Explanation And Reaction

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"So I guess I have some explaining to do?" Luke just looked up at the intruder. Luke knew this wasn't the time to be thinking that sweet jesus, this boy was actually attractive. And he had most amazing lips Luke had ever seen, even better than Ashton's but shhhh don't tell him Luke said that. The boy cleared his throat and that's when Luke realized that he had been staring. He blushed and made a movement for the boy to go on.

"So um, like, my names Michael. And you kinda already know me. We've been living together for like what 4 or 5 months, I can't really remember." Luke gave the other boy a 'what the fuck are you talking about look' "Okay so maybe that wasn't the best start. I might as well as be blunt about it. My names Michael and I am your kitten." The boy, Michael, gave Luke a nervous smile.

All if the sudden the room was spinning, how is this boy going to come into his apartment and claim to be his fucking cat!? And then he realized something, "Wait you're that one dude that was at my work that one day. Dude are you fucking stalking me cos' do you really think that I'd believe that you are my precious little kitten?" When Luke finished he noticed a light blush on the boys cheeks.

"Okay so yes this sounds really really weird, but yes I am 'your precious little kitten' and I did see you in Calum's shop. That was the same day you thought I ran away ahaha." Luke just looked up at 'Michael' this was way to weird and Luke didn't know how to handle it. This is totally unrealistic right? Like there's no way a teenage boy could be his Mikey. Well Luke guessed that his hair was the same shade as Mikey's spot.

And holy shit, his eyes are the exact same as the ones he looks into every day. No no nonono this can't be happening! This isn't possible, it isn't logical. Like how could this even be happening? He just thought that this was gonna be a normal day but nope. Luke started to heave in heavy breaths. Oh no, this wasn't good. This only happens when he panics. His vision started to turn blurry and all he could see was Michael moving towards him before blackness.


Luke's eyes slowly opened. The blue shining through the darkness where he could see that his bedroom door was shut. A dim light illuminated under it and that's when it all came flooding back, Mikey, Michael, them supposedly they are the same 'person'. He slowly moved around and figured if the weird boy was still here he'd have to deal with him. His legs were still shaky from earlier and he doesn't even know how he ended up in the bed, probably Michael.

He slowly made his way over the door, he had a slight headache and sharp movements only made it worse. He made it into the bathroom across the hall to get medicine to take care of the pain and reduce it to a dull pulse in his temple. He guessed he was once again ready to face the boy who he found sleeping in his bed. When he finally made it to the living room where Michael also was he just sighed, "Tell me everything, and no lying."

"Okay, I guess I owe that to you. So um this is awkward but when I was little I found out that I was different then normal people. I could in fact shift into a cat. Any size, any age it didn't matter. But when my parents found out the truth they were infuriated, luckily a nice family found me and took me in. And now I kinda stay with different people in kitten form until they figure it out? But I really like staying with you Luke, like a lot haha."

Luke was speechless by the end of Michael's long monologue. The newfound information was like a brick to the face. So maybe Michael was telling the truth. It kinda made Luke's heart hurt at what happened to him in the past. But Luke would find more out later but for now he needed to make sure he was telling the truth. "Prove it. Show me you're telling me the truth. I need you to show me."

"Okay, but be ready to be amazed when you see your 'precious little kitten'." Michael said trying to lighten the mood. Luke cracked a small smile and shifted on the couch while making a hand gesture as if to say 'go on'. Michael slowly stood up and started to shed the clothing he put back on after Luke passed out. Luke couldn't help but to look at Michael's body. He was nicely built, he was tall but his frame was slight small but damn this boy was h-o-t HOT.

Luke tried to act casual as Michael was finally down to his underwear, well more Luke's underwear, but for some strange reason he didn't mind. Luke studied Michael's face and he saw nervousness swimming in his green eyes. Michael sucked in a sigh and before Luke was even ready a kitten was in place of where Michael was. And okay yeah, Luke totally believed him now because there was his little kitten sitting there.

"Oh my god, this is crazy. So you're really him? Wait so that's how my shower stuff keeps disappearing?! And you at my Chinese food that one day! Man that's cold, I was looking forward to eating that! Ugh whatever I guess we should sort this out because I really don't wanna lose my kitten, but at the same time you're still a boy and holy shit this is crazy." By the time Luke was done Mikey was curled up on his lap looking at him.

By the time Luke comprehended everything he was changing into sweatpants when made his decision. Michael had 'shifted' into his human form so him and Luke could talk better. "Okay so I'm super tired, BUT you can stay here for as long as this works. But you'll have to get a job because I can't keep replacing everything on my own. This is really weird to me but we'll work this out. Because I've grown really attached to you, just don't be weird ahaha."

"Thanks Luke, I really like it here and I really didn't want to leave. And I'm sorry about your Chinese food but it was really good." Michael said with a small smirk. Luke just laughed lightly and he settled down in bed, he had no idea if Michael was going to sleep as a kitten or a boy but it didn't matter. But when he felt tiny indents in the bed he saw Mikey. The pink spot brighter then ever and he cuddled up next to Luke. Even though Luke now knew this was also a boy it didn't stop him. He lightly kissed his head and drifted off.


hehehhe its so cute at the end

It Started With A Kitten (Muke Hybrid AU)Where stories live. Discover now