Where it all began

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"Again?! You know, this is something else. They're my favorite group. It's embarrassing for me if you bring them over."

"Y/N, they'll only live here for a month or two. Just until they've finished filming their comeback." He said as tried to comfort you, but you were rather angry than sad. 

That was your dad. A rich businessman. Owner of 32 buildings in this beautiful city called poopville (actually pouhpville, but to you, the pronunciation didn't make any difference).

Let UP10TION live next door, since he let them rent it. He just told you. It was sudden, but not so sudden. You already knew that it would happen, since they were really great pals too.

"Jjang Ahjussi," they would call him.  Your father had been renting rooms and buildings for tons of groups like Madtown, GOT7, BTS and many other groups that have had a somewhat  street-ish concept (since poopville is a city funny enough).

Apparently it's UP10TION's turn. Too bad you've always been hiding whenever a K-pop group came to visit your dad just right after they moved into the next door building, to keep him company.

They probably didn't know that he had a daughter. But you were either too shy or embarrassed to show yourself. You were too used to be stuck in your room. Stupid fangirl, you always thought to yourself.

You let out a loud sigh. "Alright."

"Once again.. I'll stay in my room. I'll tell Chili to bring the food to my room," You hesitated.

"You should come out sometime. They're your favorite group after all. Also show them your room, when we're at it." He grinned as he pointed to your UP10TION posters that filled your whole wall, then at the unopened TOP SECRET and BRAVO! albums on your desk with your other K-pop albums since he interrupted you while you were organizing your albums. Then, he walked out as he let out a humiliating giggle.

"This scum, this baldy, thi-... UURRG!" You almost yelled rather than whispered.

"I heard that," it came from the outside.

"Aww, my little brat is such an obsessed airhead. But what can i say? It's basically my own fault," You could hear your dad say, as he started to hum their new song. He would always do that to bully you.

"God damn it, dad! Don't spoil their comeback song to me!"

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