4. "And that's a long ass ride?"

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* Both cars are of 7 seats. 2 seats front, 3 seats middle, 2 seats in the back
** Changhyun is Bitto's real name

Since there were too many people, you all had to ride in two separate cars*. One car with Jinhoo, Kogyeol, Kuhn, Xiao, Gyujin, Wooshin and some driver your dad had hired.

Another car where you, Hwanhee, Bitto, Sunyoul and Wei would sit. Your maid Chili volunteered to drive, as in 'your dad would add another 10 bucks to her monthly pay even if it meant that she had to cross rivers for it.'

Chili would be described as a very naive and dumb person, but she was very generous and helpful. She was like a sister you've never had.

Since there wasn't enough space in the other car, you had no choice but to sit in the same car as.. Them. You felt slightly uncomfortable since you knew that you've had small conflicts with them. Would you really call them conflicts? Stupid!

"Sigh, why does Wooseok ALWAYS get to go with Xiao?" Hwanhee yelled as he stomped one foot to the ground.
" This is so stupid! I haven't talked to Xiao for the past 5 minutes because of him!" He whined out of anger.

Changhyun** rolled his eyes.
"Oh boy, so nosy. Just get inside the car."
"Alright. Dibs for the front seat!"
"In the back with you!" Chili hurriedly yelled as she pointed to the backseat.
"Come and sit here Bitto~"

You looked at Sunyoul and Wei, then at the three empty seats in the middle of the car.
"What? Does that mean I-" Sunyoul grabbed your hand and pulled you with him as he went into the inner seat.
He gestured Wei to get into the car.
"Hurry up hyung, in with you! The others drove off long ago!" He said panically.

He got into the car, right beside you as you were like the peanut butter or rather turning into peanut butter between the two slices of toast, Wei and Sunyoul.

"Wei hyung and Sunyoul, you are crushing Y/N." Bitto's head stuck out from the front seat, like a turtle getting out of its shield.

The boys both quickly turned to their own sides in the car. They looked like they were suffering a little too much.

"Oh, it's nothing! Really. Just sit comfortably." You smiled nervously. You didn't mind them sitting right next to you, but your heart was beating really fast. So fast that they would probably be able to feel it if they got too close. Really, who is it even beating for? This is your favorite group!
Also, you ever get to pick a bias?

Bitto decided to turn on the radio which of course had to already be on full blast right from the beginning. There was no one to blame but yourself. Yes, you would usually go on long rides with your father as you blasted off some K-pop albums that your dad got for free, since he had done business with them.

sfx: really loud music

Your  heart was about to burst out, as well as the toasts got surprised and Hwanhee's scream from behind didn't make it much better, since it went right into the ear.

"FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, HYUNG! See this is why I should've been the one to sit in the front and NOT. THE. BACK!" He yelled as he took out a coke from the mini fridge.

"But hey, it's EXO's latest comeback! Which one do you like the best? Lucky one or Monster?"

"Monster!" Hwanhee said proudly, trying hard to impersonate his senior's lines.

"Lucky one. Definitely!" Sunyoul's eyes lit up as they curved into two perfectly soft lines afterwards.

"Really hyung? Do you like it weird or do you like it badass?"

"Sometimes weird is good, though." Sunyoul sounded as sassy as ever.

"Uh, I think the only song I've heard by them is Growl." Wei mumbled quietly.

Bitto switched to Artificial Love. "Hey, what is wrong with you guys? Artificial Love is anyone's jam, you better just admit it."

"YO, turn back to Monster right now!--"

Changhyun's face turned expressionless as he looked at everyone and turned the volume up louder.

Your simple question made the boys raise their voices to argue for minutes. Minutes, as in until you reached the city, which took roughly enough about 45 minutes. You ended up grabbing an old TEEN TOP CD and they soon worked together to sing along.

A/N: I hope that you enjoyed this chapter! Tomorrow (15th June) is actually my birthday, which is pretty amazing haha. I'm turning old. And the day right after is my very last exam, and then there's summer break. I'm really excited for what to come this summer. I hope that you're having a good time!
And would it be something if I did a few group crossovers?

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