Oliver Ekman-Larsson - Arizona Coyotes

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This was requested by Dpasta88. Hope you like it.

Oliver and I have been best friends since we were 3. We never fought. We were always helping each other and watching out for the other one. Today was much different than that though. Oliver has been going out so much. He claims he's been going out with the team after their practices.

"Oliver, we need to talk," I said locking my phone and placing it on the table in front of me.

"What's up?" he asked putting his bag on the floor and sitting next to me.

"Why have you been going out so much? You've barely been here with me," I said rubbing the back of his hand.

"We have to get ready for an event. I've been helping set everything up for it," he says so believingly.

"What event? I haven't been told about any lately," I said confused.

"That's a surprise," he said getting up. "I have to get back to the rink to help. I'll see you later tonight."

"You know what? It's over. We're done. I can't take this anymore," I said through tears.

"What are you talking about?" he asked walking towards me.

"I think you're lying. Because someone would've texted me if there were any events going on," I said not believing him whatsoever.

"Then what do you think is going on?" he asked crossing his arms.

"I think you're cheating on me, because you would've told me the truth!" I yelled tears running down my face.

"If you really think that then, fine, let's end this," he said dropping his hands.
"Okay. Bye," I said walking out of his house.

I slammed the door and started walking home. I made it about halfway when I heard a car come up to me and slow down. To confuse them, I walked up to a random house and walked into the back to make it look like I lived there. I looked around the corner and they were gone so I continued walking. I got home later than I had hoped and went straight into my room. I fell asleep quickly, but was woken up something hitting the side of my house. All I knew was it didn't sound normal. I got up and went to see what it was. When I looked out the window, I didn't see anything. My phone went off suddenly. Usually I don't get calls or texts this late. I picked up my phone to see a text from my best friend telling me to meet her at the rink. I was completely confused, but decided to go.

*At the rink*

When I got to the arena, my phone went off again. I took it out of my pocket and there was another text from my friend, it read: meet me on the ice. I put it back and walked through the arena until I reached the ice. All the lights were off which was odd, because usually if there was someone here the lights would be on.

"Hello?" I asked standing next to the home bench. No response. I was about to talk again when a single light went on spotlighting center ice.

"What's going on?" I asked with no response once again.

"Y/N," I heard someone say. I looked behind myself and saw my best friend standing there. "Come with me."

"What am I doing here?" I asked getting annoyed now. I didn't understand why she was leading me to center ice and I didn't really care anymore.

"This," she said leaving me there.

"Okay, seriously, what is going on?" I asked when I see someone come onto the ice. I continue to look at them to find out who they are and soon enough I come face-to-face with Oliver.

"Oliver what are you doing?" I asked not even caring to look at him.

"This," he says grabbing my hands.

"Oliver, don't," is all I say to him, not wanting him to touch me.

"Y/N just listen, okay?" he says with an innocent look in his eyes.

"Fine, just hurry up," I say rolling my eyes. Suddenly he drops down onto one knee and keeps my hands in his.

"Y/N, you have been absolutely amazing to me. You are the most incredible girl I've ever met. You were there for me when we won games and when we lost games. You never gave up on me. I was stupid to break up with you. When you left, I knew from that moment on that I couldn't live without you. I need you by my side through my good times and through my bad times. You are the only one I want in my life. I want you to be the mother of my children. I want to raise a family with you. I want to be with you forever. So, will you do me the amazing honor? Will you marry me?" he said letting go of my hands and pulling out and opening a velvet box to reveal the most beautiful, yet simple ring I've ever seen.

I had my hands covering my mouth the whole time when I finally pull them down to answer him.

"Yes," I said as he slid the ring onto my finger and gave me the gentlest yet passionate kiss he'd ever given me.

"I can't wait to marry you," he said after pulling away.

"Me neither," I said connecting my lips to his once again.


So this was supposed to be a breakup/makeup one, but I kind of made the makeup part of it him proposing so. I hope it's good enough.


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