Vladislav Namestnikov - Tampa Bay Lightning

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So this one wasn't requested but I've been obsessing over him for a while and just thought about this idea while cleaning a little. I was thinking about putting my name in it, but I decided I'd do the general way and put (Y/N), so enjoy! Plus he is just too adorable for his own good. I am seriously in love with him.


I was currently at Amalie Arena watching the boys and my twin brother Cedric practice and stupid Johnson was being annoying. He quickly found out that I had a slight crush on Vlad and continuously teased me about it. I tried to get him to stop by telling him I would do stuff for him but whenever I did, he would just keep on teasing me, so eventually I just stopped trying. Today was no different. I was sitting on the bench like I normally when I noticed that Johnson kept looking at me and then pointing at Vlad whenever he was doing something, but I'd just ignore him.

I purposely didn't pay any attention to Johnson because I didn't like him right now, but then out of nowhere I felt someone tap my shoulder. I looked over and saw Tyler sitting next to me.

"What do you want Johnson?" I asked not wanting to talk to him whatsoever.

"Hey now, I know you're the older twin, but that doesn't mean you can treat me like that," he said pretending to be offended.

"Fine. What's up Johnson?" I asked with overjoyed enthusiasm.

"Much better," he said with a smile before continuing. "Now when are you going to talk to Vlad there?"

"I uhh," was all I could get myself to say.

"I can tell you want to talk to him really bad," he said not making it any better.

"Would you stop already? What if he sees me like this?" I ask turning a dark shade of red.

"Why would that be bad? Ya know, what if he likes you too?" he asks.

"How could someone like him like me as much as I like him? I mean, I don't like him, but he's amazing, I mean. Never mind, just forget everything I just said," I said blushing like crazy from letting out that information.

"Well now we both know you like him a lot," he said smirking a bit.

"Shut up, I don't like him, I said that," I said trying to take it back.

"Yeah, okay. Well I gotta go help your boy with his shot," he said smirking as he skated away.

I was gonna fight back but he took advantage of the ice and got away as quickly as possible and went to Vlad. I saw the two talking and then Tyler look over at me and then back at Vlad but I had no idea what he could be saying, so I just sat there until Cedric was ready to go. I did my usual thing where I would use my phone until he was ready to go. After a while I took a little break from the screen and looked up. When I did, Vlad was coming off the ice and smiled at me, "Hey, Y/N" he said gently hitting my shoulder. "Uh, hi" I said back nervously. I watched him walk back to the dressing room and heard a voice.

"Come on, why don't you just talk to him already?" They asked. Of course it was Tyler.

"I just can't Tyler," I said turning a little red again.

"Whatever," was all he said before they all left the ice.

I went to wait outside the dressing room for Cedric. I pulled phone out and started texting one of my friends that was excellent when it came to talking to guys that you liked. I loved it because she could calm me down in every situation. The door opened and I looked up and saw Cedric. "You ready to go?" he asked once the door shut. "Yup," I said getting up and following him out. Once we got home and got settled he said my name.

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