Vladimir Tarasenko - St Louis Blues (NHL)

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First Person POV

Vlad and I have been best friends for a long time, and since his girlfriend broke up with him a couple weeks before a road-trip. So, Vladimir invited me, in which I gladly accepted, you know, I fell in love with him as soon as we met. I just finished packing my essentials, and Vladi was picking me up in the next, eh.. two or three minutes or so..I was wearing black leggings, black high-top converse, and my Tarasenko jersey. It was the game quality, the kind where it's all seperate layers, and it was also the home jersey. God, I loved that blue. I, a born and raised resident of St. Louis, Missouri- am a die-hard Blues fan, and the road-trip's first game is against the Hawks in Chicago. So I might have to be defensive of my boys. As I drifted off to the thought of me and Vladimir in a relationship, I heard the knock on my house door. I knew it was Vlad, there were no dog barks, and not a cat running off to the loud noise. My pets were staying with my best friend, BF/N, for the road-trip. I I grabbed my suitcase and picked up my phone and keys putting them in the smallest compartment, as I opened the door to the love of my life who didn't know he was the love of my life. I was very close with the team, Reaves, Colt, Pietrangelo, and Jori all knew I had the long-term crush on Vlad, and constantly tried to get me to flirt with him...I just-couldn't. "Hey Y/N, ready to go?" my god did I love his Russian accent, "Yes. I can't wait to see my favorite team for a week, with my favorite person, of course!" I smiled happily, making Vlad blush slightly, seeing as I called him my "favorite person" and his million dollar, that could light up the entire New York City in a black-out. "What happened to Jack?" Vlad asked curiously, but with genuine care, and in his memorizing grey-blueish orbs a flicker of jealousy? Jack is my ex-boyfriend. "Jack and I broke up, honestly it's nice not to have him whining about being hungover all the time from partying. I bet he was cheating, too." I laughed, I was completely over him, and we broke up two weeks ago, most girls would be crying their eyes out, not me-I had Vladimir. Vladimir walked me to the car, "I never liked Jack, he wasn't very engaged with your relationship." I nodded, grinning at the thought of Vladi being jealous of Jack being in a relationship with me, Vladi was way better! I put my luggage in the back of his car, and got into the passengers side, as Vlad got into the drivers. "Is something bothering you?" I asked quietly, Vladimir seemed to be off a bit, "No, just excited for the game," I nodded, "I can't wait!". We both smiled, I loved seeing him happy, his smile, his laugh, his smirk or grin, the passion he held. Vladimir Tarasenko is the sweetest,kindest, most generous and loving person I've ever met, I'd be so lucky to have him, I mean who in their right mind would break up with Vladimir? 


Since me and Vlad were so close, we felt comfortable sharing a hotel room. I told him to wake me up when he is leaving, I felt shaking, "Morning sleeping beauty, we are off to practice." butterflies filt up my stomach when he said "beauty" "Thanks my prince, oh whatever I'd do without you! Have a good time at practice, score a practice goal for me," I laughed afterwards, Vladimir let out a deep chuckle before hugging me, I hugged back.  I felt so much safer in his strong arms, I didn't want to let go, "I've got to go, see you this afternoon." I nodded, "Of course! I'll be wandering the streets of Chi, so don't be too worried! Bye." I smiled at him as he left. 


It was game night, I was leaving the locker room. When I was stopped as I was going to my glass-seat, "What a shame you're a Blues fan! You're so beautiful," I knew that voice, I looked up-it was Patrick Kane. I laughed lightly, "Thanks Kaner," I said rolling my shoulders a bit, it was a weird habbit of mine when I was wanting to go. "You should hang out with me after the game, I can show you why the Hawks are great." He told me cheekily, I sighed before I could say a word, I felt strong arms wrap around my waist, and pull me close to the strong form. I knew that scent; Vlad. "No, she's staying with me, she's my girlfriend after all." Vlad spoke confidently, I smiled, turning around to kiss him, as if saying "Yes" to my surprise Vlad kissed back. Patrick just rolled his eyes, "Whatever.." he huffed and walked off. This is the best day of my life! I thought smiling up at Vlad, "I loved you since we met," I rested my head on his chest, "Me too, but I have to win the game for you love." I kissed him once more, "Score a goal, babe!" He laughed as he walked back "I will!"


Thanks :) 

~1791 - N O R T H

(Co-Writer & Die-Hard Blues fan <3)

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