Today's the day that my dad and Mr. Maristella go on double dates. I'm praying that they'll be safe. If lose either one of them, or even both of them, I'm gonna be on an outrage strike.
Sadly, I can't spy on them because Maristella asked me to babysit Dezrei, and if I leave her with the others, it won't be pretty. Tbh, my friends will grow up to be the worse parents ever. I will be a horrible parent too, but that's why we're best friends.
While I was babysitting, we figured out what to do.
"Obviously, the murderer wouldn't target us with a kid here." Morgan whispered to me.
"That's so true. You can murder adults. Just not kids." I whispered back.
"Look what I got!" Cherry said cheerfully.
She had one of those "personality quiz" magazines.
"Ooh! Let's do the 'Which Disney Princess Are You?' Quiz!" She said.
Dezrei loved the idea.
"Yeah!" She cheerfully said.
After answering so many questions, I ended up with Sleeping Beauty.
Marissa got Ariel.
Cherry got Cinderella.
Bea Bianca got Snow White.
Audrey got Pocahontas.
Morgan got the frog princess.
That sure was hilarious.
Then we told stories about our past.
I told everyone about Morgan's wedding and how a few weeks later we attended Bea Bianca's stepfather's funeral.
When Morgan was at the altar, her grandmother made a brief conversation with me.
"You're next." She said.
"Next? In getting married?" I asked.
"No, I don't think so. I'm single."
"Oh, why is that?"
"My ex lied to me, so he moved back to Korea."
She seemed confused.
A few weeks later, when they were burying Bea Bianca's stepfather, I said,"You're next."
I know. It was rude, but I really hate when people tell me I'm next to get married. Like, you don't know my future.
Dezrei told me it's possible I'm next, that is if Travis proposes.
It's actually very possible for Travis to propose, just not now. Maybe in a few years. Maybe a few months, since for the past 8 years we got to know each other more. It was like we were married.
Then, I got a FaceTime request from an unknown number. I was scared to accept it. It could be Beatriz. Oddly, I don't have Beatriz's number.
I asked Cherry what's Beatriz's number, and it was the same number as the FaceTime call.
I answered it, and it showed a dark shadow.
This is a horror story, I thought to myself.
"Dezrei, why don't you go hang out with aunt Morgan in the kitchen." I said.
She got up and joined Morgan in the kitchen.
Together, me, Audrey, cherry, Marissa, and Bea Bianca watched the FaceTime call like it was a movie.

Chess 2: Checkmate
Teen FictionGuess who's back? Jen Nakpil and the Hemmings-Zacresto favorites! This time we take a peek into the after school life! We look at how the squad grew up with their new jobs and same life. It sucks how there's a killer loose! Personal problems revisit...