Travis literally told me to choose between him and JJ. I know I said that JJ would probably get a "yes", but honestly I don't know.
Audrey, Morgan, and I were talking about Nicco."The body is still there?" Audrey said.
"Well why can't you tell the cops. Why can't MARISSA do something?" Morgan said.
"Well we wanna find out ourselves who murdered Nicco."
I read the weather report on my phone. It's scheduled to rain at 4:30 p.m. Do these two boys really want me to choose between them on a rainy day? They're making this dramatic.
I went to echo park. That's where they told me to meet them. I saw the two of them just having a glare - stare down.
They raced their way towards me like I was the last slice of pizza.
"Guys, I just wanna say. Making this decision was hard. I just came here to say who I choose and then leave. That's it. I've had great memories with both of you. JJ, you left with nothing behind. You walked out on us... Travis, you always bothered me in high school, which always pissed me off. You two say you have nothing in common, but actually you do. You both tried your best to make me happy. I love that, but I can only love one guy. And that guy, is... (Drumroll please) Travis.
Travis wrapped me in a hug, and I saw JJ walk away, probably on the verge of crying.
I felt like crying too, but I have to face the fact that I love Travis. Travis was there for me when JJ left. Travis never lied or used the squad.
I got home all soaking wet, and the two girls knew, so they wrapped me in a towel and I made myself a cup of hot chocolate.
"So, you chose Travis?" Morgan asked.
"I felt that choosing him was the right thing. I felt it."
"That's good," Audrey said. "It's good to follow your heart."
Morgan and Audrey made cakes for JJ and waited for me to come home so I can tell them which one to give him. One said "Congrats <3" and the other one said "Oh whale 🐋".
"Give him the whale cake." I said.
I went on Instagram and saw Travis' bio.
Taken by Jen Nakpil 💙
In your face!
Finally after 8 years 🔐😌
We will miss you Nicco ☹ .Yeah, finally after 8 years.
Morgan and Audrey decided to drop of JJ's cake. They were facetiming at the same time so I can see his reaction.
They were knocking. They kept knocking. That's odd since JJ doesn't really do anything when I'm not there. Then I saw part of the door knob was open. Morgan screamed louder than cherry in any situation to exist.
"What happened?" I said, and Morgan switched the camera to something that made my heart sink.
JJ was dead...
The person who murdered Nicco probably murdered JJ!
I'm cryin inside. Even if he hurt me, it hurt me more.
Written in blood on the floor carpeting said,"You should have chosen him."
I should've said none of them if this was gonna happen, but then again. I don't know what Would happen.
I picked up my phone and the only image I saw in my phone was Audrey and Morgan's shoes running to their car.
JJ's dead. Nicco's dead. Who's next? Rod? Travis? Maybe girlies like Marissa, cherry, Morgan, Audrey, Etc.
I don't understand why people close to me die.

Chess 2: Checkmate
Roman pour AdolescentsGuess who's back? Jen Nakpil and the Hemmings-Zacresto favorites! This time we take a peek into the after school life! We look at how the squad grew up with their new jobs and same life. It sucks how there's a killer loose! Personal problems revisit...