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Brady led the way. Up the mountain to the highest ground. It took 10 minutes to get to the base of the mountain and another 30 to reach the top. Eli and Ellie cried out as the towns sirens went off. Knowing that the town will be destroyed.
Going up the dirt roads leading to the top you could see and hear the roar of the tsunami smashing against buildings, cars, and trees getting ripped from their roots. It was truly the saddest and most horrible thing youd ever witness.

We werent the only ones heading for high ground. There was at least another 1000 people either on bikes in cars or hitching in on trucks. Everyone was panicking and no one knew what to say or do. Everytime Brady glanced the at me I could see the tears in his eyes. We rode behind the twins.

We finally reached the top and got off our bikes. Stood together in a tight embrace before the twins lost it and Brady and myself couldnt hold it in any longer.
"Everyone... that... didnt... get... here... are.... dying." Ellie spoke betweem sobs.
"Hey. Guys everything is going to be okay, I know it doesnt seem like it now but it will be. Ill never let anything happen to yous. Okay?" Brady spoke so soft yet strong.
"Okay" said the twins in unison.
Brady was taking the 'evac/emergency bag' off his back and studying the contents.
I looked over and seen a family struggling to breath theough cries and sent Eli to calm them down. I glanced over at Brady and he had his head down and shoulders shaking. I could tell he was having a breakdown so i sent Ellie to help the elderly around us.
"Hey. Shhh.. hey. Look at me Brady. 'He looked at me tears in his eyes' everything will be okay, you have me and the twins. We will do anything and everything together. We can do this" I cooed in his ear while wrapping my arms around his shoulders.
He barely spoke just wrappend his arms around my waist allowing me to sob to his chest with him.

Tsunami survivalWhere stories live. Discover now