9: Trapped

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Its not everyday I go down into the ground with people I have only known for three days using a staircase hiding under the floor of there closet. Ok. I don't do that any day. I guess I trust Sin more than I realise. We had been walking in silence for ten minutes now. I couldn't even hear the faintness of the Partials cries. I had so many questions to ask him. How long is the staircase? What's at the bottom? How long do you think we will be at whatever is at the bottom of the stairs? I guess I know all the answers.

One, very long.

Two, a safety room. Incase the worst had come to worst.

Three, a long time.

All the curtains in the house were shut and light had no way to get into the house, except for the hole in the ceiling. So the Partials will be staying there as long as they liked. Which was bad for us.

We had walked another five minutes until the staircase merged into a room.

"Here we are." Sin said simply.

"Really? That's all you have to say? We almost just got killed, you lead me into the ground through a hole in your closet, we walk for like twenty minutes and that's all you say?"

"What else do you expect me to say?"

"I don't know! Something." He pulled down a lever beside the opening to the staircase. Big thick iron bars fell down blocking the entrance.

"Just in case." He said ignoring my other question. I sighed. I looked around at the room I was now stuck in. It was like a small, one bedroomed, flat. It had a medium sized kitchen, bathroom, lounge with a working flatscreen tv and one bedroom with a double bed. Pretty cozy except for one thing, the walls were coated with weapons. Guns, knives, swords, even shears, anything that could be used as a weapon was there. I swallowed hard and tried to ignore the weapons.

"Is there a phone down here I can use? I need to call dad. Let him know what just happened."

"Nah. Of all the stuff down here my parents didn't put a phone. And don't even bother to try your cellphone. The signal won't reach down here."

"Dads ganna freak!!" I screamed. We were screwed.

"It's ok. He will come looking for you. He will bust us out. We won't be here for long."

"Ok. Do you have any food down here? I'm starving."

"We'll yeah. There is enough food down here to last 40 years."


"I told you. My parents were superstitious." He walked into the kitchen. "Noodles ok?"

"Yeah. Thanks."

I sat down on the sofa and sighed. I was going to be here for a very, very long time.

The time passed faster then I expected. Well at least I think it did. There was no way to tell wether it was night or day so I found myself referring to my phone for the time a lot. I yawned and kept chopping up the carrots. I was making a stir fry for dinner. Sin was in the kitchen struggling to open a bag of beans. He was always so graceful at everything else. This was different. Almost amusing.

"Have you never cooked before?" I asked smiling to myself.

"Shut up." I laughed

"Oh my god you haven't! Have you lived of take aways your entire life."

"So. Lots of people don't cook that much." He was getting really defensive.

"Yeah, but I'm sure they can open a bag of beans" the bag popped open exploding beans everywhere. I cracked up laughing.


"It's so different to see you not perfect at something."

"You think I'm perfect?" He teased

"That's not what I meant."

"Sounded like it." He smiled at me.


"I think you're perfect." I paused mid cut through a carrot.

"What?" I turned to him.

"Everyone does. Your beautiful, your talented, your smart, your just overall lucky." I set the knife flat down on the chopping board."

"I'm anything but lucky Sin."

"How so?"

"Does being chased into the ground count?" He paused, thinking about it.

"No. That's just my bad luck brushing off on you."

"My mothers dead." He fell briefly silent.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realise-"

"It's because of me." I admitted "it was day time. We were walking down to get the mail. A Partial jumped out from behind the shade of the fence and went for me, she got in the way, and it ripped her in half then disappeared. It was so stupid. I should have being paying attention, even if it was day time. I should always be paying attention. An because i let my guard down she is dead. Its all my fault." I cringed at the horrible memory.

"This kind of stuff isn't anybodies fault." A sharp pain shot up my hand. I hadn't realised, but I had been squeezing the blade of the knife in my hands. Blood poured out of the fresh cut without hesitation and flowed down my palm.

"For fucks sake!" I shouted throwing the knife across the room. It got lodged in the wall right in between two rifles.

"Lets clean that up-"

"No! It's fine! Leave me alone!"

"Raven, don't be stupid. The Partials will smell the blood." I sighed inwardly calming down.

"Ok. Your right."


Authors note- Neaw, poor Raven :( her mum got ripped open right in front of her and she blames herself. I was tempted to break this chapter into two, but I guess a longer chapter can't hurt to much.

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