Clash between Family

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I woke up to a cold breeze. The ground beneath me was broken and hard. I tried to move, but I was tied up. My feet and arms were tied. My mouth covered with a tied cloth. I struggled to get free. It was no use though.

I heard an explosion which made me pay attention to the scenery. I could see amber filled smoke all around. I could hear the clash between swords and the fire of weapons. A helicopter flew by, vampires filled it. I was at Shinjuku wasn't I?

I looked for the two who had caught me. They weren't nearby. The fact that I'm still alive means my blood hasn't been taken. How long has it been since they took me? I squirmed over to the side of the wall so I could push myself up. An explosion sounded and suddenly, the building began to move. I slammed against the side of the wall. I hoped that the building wouldn't topple. Luckily, it stopped. I peered over the edge and saw below. Soldiers were fighting against vampires. I looked for a familiar face. None.

I heard gunfire from nearby and looked. On the rooftops was a group of people. I couldn't see anything specific about them since they were so far away. I looked back to the ground.  It's too high for me to jump. I couldn't shout out either. I would have to cut the ropes binding me. That was my only way to escape, or else I was at the mercy of the nobles.

I looked around for something sharp. Nothing really. If only I could summon Kitsune. Wait I knew a way. It was risky though. I would have to reopen the contract with her and that means she could possess me. Though if I succeeded I could summon her without vocal commands. I decided to try it. I looked the buildings edge, it wasn't good enough to cut rope, but it could cut me. I moved over toward it and used it to cut my thumb. I quickly grabbed my necklace.

To get in contact with your demon you must give them your blood. My head grew fuzzy and I laid down on the building. I had to be quick. If not, that might be the end for me. I blacked out.

I opened my eyes. I was inside a dark room. It was filled with toys and stuffed animals. Everything was like a kids dream come true. Though, it was dark, cold and lonely. I sat up as I was still laying on the ground. No binds holding me captive here. The door opened as a bit of light seeped in. I walked over to it. As I peered around the door I saw a man and a woman. They were talking. My seven year old appearance was what they could see.

"She's such a pest. All she does is ask for us. Why can't she just be like the others and play with her toys." The woman complained. She was familiar. She was my mother.

"It's about time to let her go. She's a monster anyway. Always beating up the others. Just throw her out." The man suggested. He was my father.

"We've tried that already. She came straight back." My mom told him.

"Well then, give her a reason not to come back." He suggested. They both turned toward me. I quickly shut the door in fear. I heard them approach the door.

"Come out Keiko. We just want to talk to you." My father tried luring me out. That was a lie. I knew they hated me. I was one of their five children. The youngest. All I ever wanted is them to love me and play with me. Instead, they trap me in my room all alone.

They broke in. My father held something in his hand. It was a black whip. My mother stood at the door and watched as he beat me. They were the monsters. The pain seared into me as I fell to the ground trying to run away. I closed my eyes.

I opened them as I felt rain hit my face. I was outside now. I sat up again. My bare feet freezing as I stood. I knew where I was. I walked around hurt, hungry and dying. That's when a kind old lady found me. She offered me a home. Scared and alone I decided to take the chance. I joined the Hyakuya orphanage. As she opened the door I walked in. Though it wasn't the orphanage. Now I was inside of the vampire city. Now eleven years old.

I stood as I stared at the exit to the city. "Keiko." A voice from behind cried. I turned around. Mika and the others laid there. Mika reached out to me. "" he cried. I wanted to, but Ferid walked up and attacked before I could do a thing. I turned back around wanting to get away, but I saw them. My new family stood at the entrance. Guren, Shinya, Yuu, Yoichi, Shinoa, Kimizuki, Mitsuba and all the rest.

I have to protect them. I turned back to Ferid and saw all the nobles I have ever had to go against. I had to be strong. My appearance changed and I became 15 again. I summoned Kitsune was ready to fight. I'd win for their sake. A flash of light suddenly blinded me.

I was now in a white room. No one around. My sword stood in the ground. Around it a giant flaming fox. That was Kitsune. She had tried to break me so she could possess me, but I have a clear reason for living and a strong resolution. My past hurt, but I had to be strong because of it.

"You still never give up, even if we are best friends." I started talking to Kitsune.

"I must always check to make sure." She told me. Her voice floated throughout the room, but she never opened her mouth. "You contacted me, what is your reasoning?" She asked.

"I need to be able to call to you without my voice." I told her. She nodded.

"Fine, I shall respond if you think to summon me, but I shall be in your mind now. Is this alright?" She asked. I nodded. She suddenly ran at me. I stood there unphased. She jumped and hit my head. As she passed through me. I lost consciousness.

I opened my eyes in the real world. I felt wind rushing past me. Had I fallen? I looked
As the building fell toward me. I looked to the ground. It was headed toward me, fast. I needed Kitsune. 'Kitsunebi protect those who are my cure!' I thought. Fire swirled around me, burning the rope. There were still people under the building. That's why chose this curse. My sword stopped the fall for me as I grabbed on to someone as the building crashed around me. It hurt as my barriers were being crushed by a skyscraper.

The dust cleared that had been created by the rubble. I looked up to see multiple barriers. I had protected them. I looked to who I had grabbed on to. I had clung to them, because the barriers protect others not me specifically. The person was one of my old training friends. Thank god. Not a vampire.

I stood and let the barriers fade. I pulled Kitsune from the ground. I had to find someone I knew well enough. An explosion from nearby. That was my best bet. I ran there as I saw Guren fighting a vampire. I needed to help.

As I neared them I decided with so many nobles to take the pills. Only one though. I swallowed it and it would affect me in 5 minutes or so. As I neared Guren I saw Yuu's team headed the same way. I knew that they'd have to fight, but now I can protect them.

Suddenly, a sickening sound pierced my ears. I looked to Guren who now had a sword stabbed through him. No! I ran at the vampire sword in hand. Yuu had the same reaction. We both stabbed the vampire at the same time.

"Yuu?" A confused voice asked. I looked at the vampires face. It couldn't be.

"Mika?" Yuu responded. Mika was still alive. He was still... My mind was in confusion. Kitsune returned to my necklace as I backed away. Yuu withdrew his weapon. I didn't know what to do.

Everything in my mind went blank. I could seem them talking, but I couldn't hear. Was he really here? This was him? Suddenly, the sound hit me again.

"Keiko, Yuu, Abandon everything and run away with me!" Mika shouted. I was shocked. Finally, we see one of our family members still alive and he suggests this. I can't leave everyone behind. He suddenly grabbed Yuu and jumped away. He may have been my family, but now he was taking my only family away. I can't stand this. Suddenly arms grabbed me. I turned to see Ferid from behind.

"Mika you forgot your other princess." He teased as he picked me up. I struggled as he jumped after Mika. I had to get away from him. Though, I had a developing headache that was making it hard to concentrate. If he was taking me towards Mika though, I could save Yuu. Though he could be tricking me again. I wouldn't fall for it this time. Kitsune came to my hand quickly. Ferid noticed as I cut him. It wasn't deep enough to kill, but he felt it. He dropped me. "Whoops." He said. "Guess he'll have to settle for one of his princess'."

I'd have to be quick. I cut my hand on my blade. "Kitsunebi drink my blood" I shouted as she did. She was released from the weapon and materialized as her fox form. This is the first time I've ever had to summon her like this. I grabbed onto her as we landed. Now to find Yuu. "You know what to do?" She nodded to my question. We took off.

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