Chapter 49.2: Path to Take

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The Royal group, who had recently reunited with the Genesis group, worked together in hopes of defeating Minerva and her Vanguard. In which they had successfully done.

However, an unexpected turn of events occurred in which both groups had never even considered possible.

It was the remaining chosen Vanguards and units versus the entire Genesis clan.

Meanwhile, standing in the entrance of the cave's battlefield was Kai, who's troubled thoughts kept him from facing reality.

Kai's POV

"Young Vanguard... what is it you truly desire?"


I turned left and right in search of whoever had spoken. But my efforts proved futile as I saw no one but darkness.

"Where are you?! Show yourself!" I demanded.

"You need not to know of me, Toshiki Kai. But answer only the question given: You are given two paths to take. One leads to destruction and the other, hope... however, with a little regret."

Once again, the voice came out pf nowhere. Confusing me with each word spoken.

"I don't understand..." I said. "What are you trying to say?"

"You have, but two choices: Do you really wish the safety of your beloved who may no longer be there for the destruction of our worlds? Or... do you want to save us all?"

Images of a broken down Misaki came back to me. Then the memory of her transformation recently after we found the others.

Looking down in guilt, my mind seemed two sided. I DID want Yami defeated. But... it might cause us to lose both Misaki and Minerva.

"I-i don't know..." I muttered. My head gazed at the floor as I did so.

"You don't know?"

"I... I want to save Cray and Earth from Yami. But I don't want to hurt Misaki either."

The voice seemed to have sighed in response to my reaction. But nevertheless, spoke without threat nor malice.

"It is up to you on which path you choose. However, perhaps... there is a way for you to enter both."

'Entering both paths? Is that even possible.'

I could not believe what the voice had just said. Could there really be a way to enter BOTH paths at the same time? To release Earth and Cray without having to hurt Misaki?

"In fact, it IS possible to release the Genesis clan of their chains as well."

"You mean there is a way to get Misaki back?"

"There is... however, YOU alone would be able to do it."

Upon saying those words, I felt like the voice slowly began to fade.

"Wait!" I begged. "What do you mean by that?!"

However, no answer came. Nothing could be seen or heard anymore besides the never ending darkness and my echoing voice before light flashed through the room.

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