Chapter 19: Overcoming Darkness part 1

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Since there were those who got confused in the storyline of the last chapter... I'm gonna say it now. This chapter is focused on Aichi's trial (somewhat). The others have their own tests that involves a similar matter so their separate.

Aichi's POV

After we went through the gate, our team had separated. I think this is part of the trial so I didn't questioned about it further.

When I had snapped out of my thoughts, I saw a familiar scenery. It was a wide and rocky plain. The sky looked like outer space with the planets showing and the creatures here were happy and at peace. I was in the Planet Cray. But wasn't I supposed to pass a test before coming here? Maybe this isn't real. I have to find out.

Everything feels so real, it's like we could find the truth of whats going on without the key. But the question still remains, why am I the only one here?

After a few hours of walking, the sky grew dim leaving a cloud of darkness to take over. A loud noise wad heard at the edge of the cliff nearby. Curious of what was going on, I went near the edge and was surprised by what I saw. A dark force was in the middle of the cloud with Takuto tied up and locked in a cage. The forces of Cray looked horrible, only a few could manage to stand up.

I was filled with mixed emotions and thoughts of wanting to help them. Though as much as I wanted to help, there was nothing I could do now is there. Blaster Blade even warned me beforehand to be careful... and that includes not being stubborn.

All of a sudden, I felt like someone was behind me. I turned to look but found now one. Turning back, I saw a shadowed figure in front of me, it looked like it wanted to get me so I tried to step back and run away but I couldn't. I can't feel myself, as if my body is being controlled. Fear took over my very soul and I became afraid of everything running in my mind: the fear of not fulfilling the task. The fear of not being able to stop the darkness from controlling me. Afraid that We won't be able to find and help Kai but most of all, afraid that I might hurt my friends or never see them again. As the figure touched me, I fell to a void of darkness. Two questions filling my head with despair. 'Is this the end?' 'Have I given up?'

Closing my eyes, I awaited for certain doom. But it never came.

Kai's POV

I've been here for awhile now and for each day that passes by, I feel my friends coming closer and closer. I hope they get here soon.

Suddenly my PSY Qualia activated, compelling me to go back to were the dark force and the units of Cray battled. By the time I got there, I saw a familiar blue haired boy struggling not to be possessed by a dark figure taunting him but it looked like he had just given up.

'Oh no! If Aichi gets captured...'

As if by instinct, I ran as quickly as possible to the boy who was about to be pulled in the void below him. I made it just in time to grab hold of his hand and try to release him from his mental prison and of being controlled.

Aichi's POV

I felt someone grab hold of me so opened my eyes to see who it was. I couldn't believe it, "KAI?!"

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