Chapter 26: Summoning the Avatars

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Kai's POV


I was forced to watch a devastating scene. The mysterious enemy taunted Cray's forces while holding Takuto hostage and as much as I want to help, I don't have the power to do it. Suddenly, my PSY Qualia activated and Takuto appeared before me in a vision.

"Toshiki Kai, you do have the power help. As a Vanguard, you can call out to your units using your cards. You can summon similar to how you ride them on Earth. However, with lack of training and getting used to, calling on them will only make you exhaust yourself so I suggest summoning units that are close to your soul since they consume only a few of your energy, unlike the ones who aren't. You will work together to save Cray." Takuto said. "Wait, does that mean..." "Yes it does. Also, do not worry of being alone. Your friends are on their way. Wait for them cause unlike you, they need to undergo some trials in order to obtain a special key to come here. While you wait, make sure the enemy doesn't spot you, our hidden Vanguard." And with that, Takuto dissappeared.

(Flashback end)

After I told them everything, we decided to train. If we wanted to save Cray, we really need to master this power.

"Why not we start by taking turns? We could summon each of them and possibly get more information at the same time." Leon suggested.

Ren's POV

Following Leon's advice, we made arrangements on who will summon first and so on. Since it's Kai who knows how, we started of with him. Gaillard will follow after then Naoki, Leon, Chris, me, Kamui, Misaki, Miwa and Aichi.

Kai's POV

"Ring the bell signaling the end of time, envoy from purgatory that will destroy the world! Feel uplifted by the flames my avatar! Perdition Emperor Dragon, Dragonic Overlord the Great!" I said as my card glew and Dragonic Overlord appeared.

"My turn" Gaillard said, "Get fired up my avatar! Bluish Flame Liberator, Percival!" Percival was next to appear.

"Yes!" Naoki's next, "Scorching soul! Smash everything with your steel fists my avatar! I summon Brawler, Big Bang Knuckle Buster!" His dragon came out.

"I'm up" It was Leon's turn, " Whirlwind wind and surging wave! Call forth a fierce storm and bring down blue judgment upon the one who incurs your path! Come out my avatar! Blue Storm Wave Dragon, Tetra Burst Dragon!"

《Time skip》

After most of us summoned our avatars, it was Aichi's turn.

"Your light that shines in the darkness leads your people to victory! Seek the way, King of Knights! Light Origin Seeker, Alfred XIV!"


I got most of their catchphrase in the episodes, though some of them were used in other cards or had taken some changes. Aichi's catchphrase has been created by me since their movie, "Cardfight!! Vanguard the movie: Neon Messiah" hasn't been released with an english subtitle yet.

Read, comment, vote and enjoy everyone~♡

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