Chapter 22: Yami (and a quick note)

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I never could have imagined making three chapters in one day! I know that I write chapters almost everyday and two each day for the first chapters but never before have I written three in a day. It's thanks to you guys for making it all possible. To be honest, I couldn't believe that the story has gotten 311 views (last time I checked) already. I never thought my first story was good enough that I almost didn't published it at first ( I just made the first few chapters because of either boredom or to get away from stress.) But with the evidences I'm seeing now, I can't help but be inspired to continue. Special thanks to BerryBerryBlitz, WongRuiYue and Nexus_Drive_21 for the continuous support as well as other readers of the story. Sorry for not replying your comments. I don't even know what to say in the comments ( I have a certain issue on making sure what I say is ok or it will haunt me for life)

Again, thankyou for reading my book and enjoying the story. Pls continue to support it~♡


Aichi's POV

After everything we've been through, we're finally here. This time, I'm with my friends. "Yes! I cant believe were finally here! I feel like I want to cry." Naoki exclaimed. We all laughed at his reaction. "Anyway, first things first. Aichi, could you please lead us to where Kai is. We'll start planning when we reunite with him." Ren said. "Sure"

I may have gone there only once and I wasn't even aware of where I was headed to at the time but for some reason, I seem to know where to go exactly.

We finally reached the place and was able to spot Kai. He was waiting near the cliff which looked empty now. I thought a war was occuring there?

Kai's POV

After Aichi left, I went to check the battle down the nearby cliff to see what was happening as well as to formulate a plan at the same time. But when I got there, the dark cloud left and the Units that were still strong enough appear to be trying to treat the injured. I then felt a presence come beside me and when I turned to see, it was Blaster Blade. Somehow, I felt comfortable with the vanguard unit beside me.

"The forces of Cray are weakened and Yami will come back soon if not later." Blaster Blade said. "Is that the name of the force we are facing right now?" I asked. I felt awkward talking with him formally but still comfortable.  "Yes. It is a force that usually takes the form of a human. As a human, he's name is Yami. It has only told it's human name but he has already shown us both his forms. Yami is stronger as a force than a human but he's still dangerous either way." He explained.  "I see..." I looked at the ground. "I believe Takuto has already told you about your power here in Cray. You can use it for your battle plan. Cray's forces really need our Vanguards." "Once Aichi and the others come, I will tell them about it." I told the Paladin in front of me. A moment of silence was found until I felt my PSY Qualia activate, meaning... " Their here, I believe I have to take my leave now. I'll be watching over you, My Vanguards." Blaster Blade bowed and said. "Yeah, till we meet again. " then he left.

A little while after Blaster Blade left, Aichi and the others have arrived. Seems like Aichi's avatar has led them here.

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