Chapter 18: The Trial of Trust

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Ren's POV

As we entered the portal, I noticed that we separated. I didn't mind at all, instead, I was more focused and amazed by what I saw. It felt like I stepped in a time machine. I saw a young Aichi walking down the street alone with plenty of bruises, a young Kai passed by and stopped to tie his shoes when he noticed him there.

Young Kai ran up to young Aichi. He tried what he could to help the boy but no prevail... that is until he gave the Blaster Blade card to the blue haired kid.

"Here, take this" Young Kai said while young Aichi hesitantly took it. "Try to imagine yourself becoming powerful like the warrior on that card I just gave you" Young Kai said showing his fist. "But I can't!" Young Aichi nervously said. "Hahahahaha well no... not at first I guess. But if you believe in yourself, nothing can stand in the way of you getting big and strong like Blaster Blade." Kai said while making a goofy smile, It never occurred to me that Kai could actually make that expression.

"I'll get strong?"

"From now on, that image can be your power!"

The scenery change into something that answers all my questions about Kai's past. Young Kai was in a cemetery, facing two tombs. In the tombs were names with Kai as their last name. It must be hard for him to loose his parents at such a young age. For the first time, I finally understood Kai completely. Again the time changed, this time, it was all too familiar. I was in front of a shed. The door had a sign that says, "Team Asteroid" I heard laughing so I entered the shed. It was Tetsu, Kai and I playing vanguard and having so much fun. 'Oh how I missed this' I thought to myself ' why did it all have to end.' I knew full well that it was my fault. I couldn't control PSY Qualia and ended up hurting my friends. Suddenly the scene changed to the time me and Kai were having a vanguard fight recently after I've obtained that power, a voice spoke to me.

'It wasn't your fault Ren Sazugamori.' Not my fault? 'Kai was the coward who left you. He didn't want to see the strength you've obtained and accept the fact that you have grown stronger than him.' What? 'In fact, were not for him, you would have never obtained that curse. Everything would be normal for you' No! Thats not true! 'Deny it all you want Ren but the fact that all those sadness was because you met Kai.' It's not his fault! 'Your too naive to see what the reality is... that stubbornness of yours will only be your downfall' "STOP IT!"I mentally scolded the voice in my head. " It was never Kai's fault to begin with! I was the one who wanted to grow stronger. In fact, I wanted it so much that I forgot what a vanguard fight is really about. He only wanted for us to have fun and win in nationals at the same time, I just misunderstood his real intentions. I wanted to grow stronger for him but that doesn't mean it was his fault!" I thought back " He even tried to bring me back when I was being possessed by PSY Qualia. I pushed him away. He left because he didn't want to face the guilt of not being strong enough to help a friend. That's probably why he's always searching for bigger and better challenges." I sighed, tears falling from my eyes. It was all true, Kai was my best friend, but I forced him to leave.

I couldn't hear the voice anymore. In fact, it looked like I was back with Miwa and Naoki. They were just as confused as I was.

"Uhhhhh... what just happened?" Naoki asked. "I don't know, all i know is that I was screaming at a crazy voice inside my head then suddenly I'm back here." Miwa said. " You too?" I asked "Same here... but if I find out who's voice was that, I swear I'll- " " Now now, no need to use foul language Naoki, besides... I think that was our test." Miwa said. Then a light flashed and a voice, different from the one in our trial, was heard.

Congratulations you three, you have passed the trial of trust and friendship. 'You have shown that you didn't blame your misfortunes on your comrades even when some of you were almost convinced. You haved fought your battle and won. Now, only one trial remains for the key to appear. Good luck!'

And with that, we were back to were we started, Misaki's team looking at us. "You guys passed your tests?" Kamui asked. "Of course!" Naoki replied. "Sooooooo... what was your trial?" we were silent for a while then simultaneously said, "we don't want to talk about it." "Same here" Misaki replied while Kamui and Chris were facing a different direction and whistling. We all decided to leave the topic and focused more on the one gate remaining.

I kept finding the picture of Kai giving the Blaster Blade card to Aichi from the anime but found no such luck on the internet so I just rewatched that part and used screen shot. It wasn't easy though since the part played really quick. I hope the chapter wasn't confusing at all since I only focused on Ren's test.

Read, comment, vote and enjoy everyone~♡

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