Chapter 25: Secret Ally

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Kai's POV

When I woke up, everyone was still asleep. I stood up and left for a while, trying to recall all that's happened until now. As I went a little further, Blaster Blade showed up... again.

"You seem to have a habit of showing up when no ones with me. Why's that?" I asked the knight of light. "Is something wrong with that?" He replied. " It's just that, we really don't know what to do right now and your the only one we... I have connections on Cray. Yet you still refuse to appear before Aichi and the others. Why?"

Blaster Blade's POV

I felt silent for a while. Toshiki Kai does have point. However, now is not the time show myself face to face with the Vanguards... especially Aichi Sendou. " I cannot simply show myself to them, at least not yet." I simply said." Also, I needed to have somone from our Vanguards to give all important information needed." " Understandable" he said. "But why to me?"

"I have my reasons."

"Alright then... I believe I've been gone long enough. Knowing them, their probably looking for me now." Kai said. " I shall see you soon then, my Vanguard." "Yeah" We bowed at each other before parting ways. Good bye... for now.

Kai's POV

As I neared our resting place, I can hear Aichi and the others looking for me. They have proved my point

"Kai, where have you been? We've been looking all over for you!" Aichi exclaimed. "Relax Aichi, I haven't been gone THAT long." I said trying to calm him down. "Still... we were worried something might have happened to you." "Aichi's right Kai. Knowing the situation we have now, the enemy might get us any time now. Your disappearance just made us think that the enemy might have gotten you or something." Gaillard said. "Where have you been anyway Kai?" Miwa said. Gaillard has a point. But I can't tell them that I went and talked to Blaster Blade, he has his reasons on not showing himself to them and I respect his decision. "I left for a little walk. I needed to be alone for awhile and get some fresh air." Technically that was my whole reason for leaving. Blaster Blade just showed up unexpectedly. "You sure?" Naoki said. "Believe what you want." I simply said, silencing them. "Fair point" Leon said.

"By the way, Kai. About yesterday, we know you have your reasons for not telling us about you knowing what and how the power works but can you at least tell us now." Misaki said. "Plssssssssssssssssss!" Ren said with a pleading look. One that no one can resist. Puppy eyes as a bonus.

I thought for a while, "Fine, I'll tell. Ren, you can stop with that look now." I said with an annoyed look. "Let me start from the beginning."

I felt a little awkward making a POV for Blaster Blade since I have never seen other Vanguard stories with units having their own POVs but it's a start right?

By the way, I have an idea for a new story and it's a continuation of this book but I have no idea on how this book would end. ( I'm still thinking of chapters that would make sure this story is a long one). Should I start now, or should I wait for this story to end. I plan a different story on the new one that is somewhat related yet unrelated to this book. Pls tell me what you think.

Also... read, vote, comment and enjoy everyone~♡

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