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Harry Potter was sitting at his desk doing some extra work, since he was head auror it happen frequently, when a crack got his attention, lifting his head he saw his eldest son and his daughter "what would you two be doing here? You should be at school. What have I done wrong in growing you up? How is it possible that you have no idea of what a rule is and how to follow it?", the girl answered "Harry I'm not you'r daughter" she whispered "I know it's a lot to take in dear but I'm you'r mother".

While James Sirius brought Lily at home Lily Luna decided to go to Hogwarts, there she brought James to the headmistress office professor Mcgonagall asked "why would the two of you be in my office and not in you'r beds?", "well it's very nice to see you too Minnie" James answered, at this Mcgonagall eyes widened "w- w- what the b- b- bloody hell are you doing here Mr. Potter?" James smirked, "Well, I found this girl in the woods near the house I lived in before dying and she asked me who I am, but when I told her she didn't believe me so she brought me here." he answered, "Then we should probably talk to you'r son" said Mcgonagall, "Sure?" Asked Potter, "positive" she replied, and with that she apparated all three at the Potters'.

The first thing they heard at the Potters' was "It's impossible, you can't be my mother, she is dead." At that James couldn't control himself land said "Lily? Harry?" And he ran to hug his wife and his son. Professor Mgonagall couldn't believe her eyes, but she would recognize James and Lily Potter everywhere and always. When Harry looked at here waiting for an answer she said "Yes Harry, these are you'r parents."

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