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Harry Potter couldn't believe that his parents were alive, he couldn't let himself hope he could have a normal life with his parents. "There is something wrong here. James, Lily could you explain me what's going on?" The boy who lived asked. "Well, I don't really know how it happened if that's what you want to know but we're alive and we can finally be a family now Harry" said his father, "Let me clear one thing first, I don't believe you, my parents are dead and there is no way you can bring the dead back to life." turning to his son he said "Why were you not at school? And what would be the reason of this sick prank? Could you please explain what happened from the beginning James?", his son replied "We were out for Halloween and we were at an abandoned house, I was entering a room when I found her crying with a baby's blanket in her hands and I didn't know what was happening so I came here hoping you would know what to do." Harry Potter couldn't believe what he was seeing and decided that the two strangers should have answered a few questions. He talked to his parents "Since I don't believe what you say I will ask you a few questions, but first" he held out a vial with a clear liquid "You have to take this...", "veritaserum" his mother finished for him.

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