Memories part 2

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Watching the memories of the third year made James particularly angry, when it finished he said "I can't believe you fought all those dementors, yes Sirius also you, it's incredibly dangerous, I surly am surprised and proud but you shouldn't have done it" then it was Lily's turn "Impressive James, you'r father's right Harry dementors are dangerous, and traveling in time? And escaping from Privet Drive at night? Really? Why does it go worse every year? Couldn't you learn something?" "Guys seriously he defeated Voldemort, he can handle a few dementors there's no need to be this angry at him, at least not yet" said Sirius, and Harry at last proposed "Thank you Sirius, but really before getting mad why don't we watch the next year?" and at that they watched the fourth year.

When it ended Harry said "I know you have many things to say but before that we could watch also fifth year of?" They all nodded and watched also fifth year.

After watching those two years Sirius didn't speak, he just listened to Lily say "Why can't the two of you follow one simple rule? Why? You just have to get yourselves into a trap of deatheaters. James pleas say something, I have an impression they won't listen to me" James did what his wife asked him and said "I'd like to defend the both of you but Lilyflower's right, you should have waited, lucky for you there was Remus otherwise you would have died to, and Sirius Black sneaking at hogsmeade is one thing the reason you died is pure stupidity. Now let's watch the next two years and see who else got killed".

After finishing the memories Lily was the first to talk "Was all that really necessary? Although I am very angry with you, you were brilliant, and of course you are still grounded" and then Sirius "Harry? Really? Gringott? Fantastic!" He was so surprised he couldn't form a real sentence "I totally agree with you'r mother you are grounded to death, don't look at me that way it was stupid, getting in the ministry with polijuice potion? And of course you are a talented wizard but all these memories just scream 'hey I'm here, please kill me' and that is why you'r grounded." said James, "Would you like to eat something now?" was the only thing Harry said. And of course they went in the kitchen to eat something.

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