"That's a long story, mate."

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The daily routine had made my sense for time numb. It was the same everyday: waking up at 6 AM, morning work out, breakfast, work out, one hour of spare time, lunch, again an exercise session, dinner. I kept getting better at every discipline, especially at the "avoiding Steve" one.

We hadn't talked since our fight and there was no making up in sight. Cara had told me to not worry about that. But I hadn't been on good terms with her lately too. So I found myself sitting alone in my way to big appartment during the breaks, waiting for the next training session.

I didn't want to complain though. There are thousands of agents dreaming of getting to do what I do. Working with the Avengers, being a part of a new team of agents. But it didn't really feel like I was in the team. Everyone had their friends, who had their inside jokes and they could trust each other. I didn't really have anyone.

I knew that everyone in this building had my phone number, but no one even bothered to text me a "How you doin'?" or a simple "Hey!".

The only messages I got were from Agent Seyfried, sending me time tables and plans which she basically has to send everyone. I really felt like texting her but she didn't really seem like a warm hearted, funny person.

The only person I really got along with, because they also felt out of place, probably hated me now. There were a few times when I had been really close to sending Steve a short text message, but it had always ended up with me deleting the few words and throwing my phone into the other corner of my room. 


One day I decided to call up Cara because the loneliness was eating me from inside out. When she picked up I already knew that someone was with her.

"Um, heyy!", she giggled into the phone. 

"Hi. Are you with Will? I don't want to disturb.." 

"Actually I am with Will and with Halston.", she cut me off. "And yeah you're kinda disturbing our evening." 

I wanted to say "Well, sorry then I am just going to go now." but there was a lump in my throat and my voice broke in the middle of the sentence.

I violently pressed the red button and threw myself on my bed. The pillow dampened my crying and was soon soaked in tears. Suddenly my phone vibrated, which it does when a text comes in, and I couldn't help but look. 

Suddenly my tears stopped and I sat up straight. All my sorrow seemed to vanish as I took my phone with shaking hands and pressed to read the message he sent me. Steve.

The message read:


I decided to reply, also in full Capslock, with


He replied within a minute.

And then he added:


The smile on my face was growing and almost bursting. I had forgotten about how much he missed and still doesn't know.

"That's a long story, mate. We could meet up?"

Again it didn't take him long to reply.

"Third Floor, Room 13? Meet you in ten." 

As I got up to wash my face and to put some other clothes on, I couldn't stop smiling. The ignorant phone incident with Cara was already forgotten. I decided to take my black skirt and my blue blouse, which fit to my blue ballerinas. 

Still smiling I left my room and sprinted to the nearest elevator. I scolded myself for being so excited and when I pressed the button for the fourth floor I had already calmed down a little.

Just that stupid grin couldn't leave my face so I just decided to go with it. I still wasn't sure about what I was going to say to him regarding our fight which happened two weeks ago, but not even that could make me any less excited. 

My shoe's echo was the only thing that broke through the silence in the hallway. I counted down the numbers of all of the rooms until I finally got to 13. I knocked at the door once and waited. Just as I was about to knock for a second time the door opened and Steve smiled at me.

"Come on in.", he said gesturing me to enter. I didn't let him ask me twice and rushed by him into room 13.

Room 13 turned out to be on of those rooms that should repay us for ot being able to go outside. It was a library. 

"Woah, I didn't think there was a library in here.", I said stunned. 

Steve giggled (I had never heard a grown man giggle before but oh well he did) "Well they have everything you could dream off. They have a compensation for anything, from a park to an amusement park, you'll get anything." 

"This building is bigger than I thought it was.", I admitted.

"You can bet on that. When I have my late night strolls I still stumble over new rooms I never thought existed and I have been here for quite a while."

The thought of Steve running aroung in the middle of the night wearing his pajamas and being excited about discovering new rooms made me laugh out loud. 

"So, you said you'd enlighten me about the talking fish?", he asked raising one eyebrow.

So we spent the next hour sitting on the floor between two giant bookshelves, me trying to explain to him how computer animation works. When he had finally understood we just sat in silence, appreciating the presence of eachother. Then I decided to talk about the more uncomfortable thing which we both had tried to ignore until now. 

"I am sorry for dismissing your orders. I just thought we should think of our own plan and that that was the practise for."

He sighed. "I know that you thought of a good plan yourself which obviously lead us to victory but the practise was just to follow a strict plan just how we'd do it if it was an actual mission. We will have enough outdoor trainings where you have to think of a stragety on your own."

I nodded. "I just thought you hate me now, just because I didn't listen to you. And that bothered me."

"I couldn't hate you, Taylor. Especially not on such a childish topic. I have to admit that I was pretty harsh, I am sorry." 

"Don't be.", I said quietly. 

He gave me a soft smile and added:

"I couldn't handle this silence between us for these past weeks. It was horrible. I actually found myself listening to Tony while he showed me his album of his selfies." 

I laughed. "Woah, you must have really been horrible if you actually sunk that deep."

"You can bet on that.", he said laughing too.

I leaned over to him and gave him a tight hug, and whispered:

"Thank you for this evening."

"Any time, Tay.", he whispered back.

Safe and Sound ☞Steve Rogers (ChrisTay)Where stories live. Discover now