"You are amazing."

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Suddenly there was this terrific bang. Not just a bang: there was something else.

There was something invisible that slammed me into the fence and hurt my ears and took all the air away. The last bit of power left inside of me vanished and I felt a burning pain on my palms as I fell on my knees.

My suffocated scream got lost in the terrible noise of the battle. I tried to stand up but my hands were trembling too hard so I collapsed on the ground, sharp glass splinters digging into my irritated skin.

Helplessy I forced myself to lift my gaze and I witnessed Cara and Will batteling alongside the Avengers and the other members of our team fighting against hazy figures who seemed bigger and darker than the night. 

Warm blood started running down my face and fingers and I was shaken by sobs. 


I almost didn't hear the broken whisper myself. 


I tried to shout louder. 

"Help me!"

My voice rose to a scream.


I woke up shaking and in a full body sweat. Tears were running down my face and I was chilling right to the bone. And there was something else: I wasn't alone. 

Steve held one of my hands and kept asking me something but I was too freaked out to understand. I tried to slow my heart but it kept beating fast and strongly against my rib cage.

Suddenly I felt strong arms wrap around me and I figured that Steve just hugged me. Still crying I buried my face in his chest and closed my eyes. 

He was incredibly patient. When I managed to calm down a little and to stop crying almost and hour had passed and he didn't seem to have any intention to leave yet.

"What happened?" There were wrinkles that always appeared when he was concerned. 

The silence that followed his question seemed to be endless but I couldn't manage to tell him about my dream.

"I had a nightmare." Was all I could manage to say. I  pulled myself away from him, keeping a clear distance. 

"I already figured that out but what did you dream off?"

I failed finding the words.

"I was helpless. I.. I just.." The crack in my voice forced me to stop.

"I don't think that I was meant to be in this team."

Steve shook his head. "Stop that. You are just at the beginning stage of your training. Nobody expects you to be on Natashas or Clints level."

He stood up.

"Good night. Try to sleep a bit now, we'll talk tomorrow."

Just when he was about to leave my room he turned around one last time and said

"The only thing you need is a little bit of confidence."

And then he was gone and the loneliness started to creep on me. 

I curled myself up under my blanket and closed my eyes. Just now I felt the embarrassement that my trainer, who happens to be Steve Rogers aka Captain America, just saw me in the worst emotional stage possible. 


The "talk" which Steve had promised me didn't happen. 

I woke up totally exhausted the next day, and decided to ditch my training session. So I kept laying in bed for about an hour until I  finally got up and put some comfortable clothes on. Then I figured the best thing to do was probably to explore the building, since no one else was going to be there. 

Safe and Sound ☞Steve Rogers (ChrisTay)Where stories live. Discover now