Chapter Six

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Author Note!!!!!

Sorry for the long wait. But, this was a pretty long chapter, so it took quite a while to finished.

I probably will come back and check my grammar once a while.

Anyway, hope you enjoy!!!!!


"Frank, sent me a report from the record of my wife's card!" Arnold spoke to Franklin Jasper, his company's Accounting Manager, through the phone.

It was Monday morning, another usual day for Binder Corp. Last Saturday kind of went chaotic since everyone of their guests refused to go home before they helped them cleaned up. Erica was in shock when they demanded that, not asked. It was okay with their families to gave a hand, but his employees and friends, she almost fainted with the thought of them helping out, not that she was ungrateful, "But you are my guests, my goodness this was beyond ridiculous!" she said. But with everyone insisted, her rejection was overruled. Sometimes her behavior confused him, how could she acted like that nonstop. Even some of his most professional actors and actresses friends couldn't do it for one full day.

"Boss, I am afraid I can't do that!" the other end replied.

"Why?" Arnold asked, confused because Frank never declined any task.

"Because there is none, Sir! We asked for her expense from the bank, but they said there is no record in her card." he informed timidly.

"WHAT?" Arnold immediately rose from his seat. "How can?" he asked, more confuses now.

"The only answer is she never used it."

Arnold was silent for while before he said, "Okay, then. Thanks for the information, Frank. You can go back to your job now!" he tried to calm himself down.

"You are very welcome, Boss!" Frank replied and hung up.

From many possibilities, this definitely out of his expectation. The fact she never used it, just made him more confused, that was too unbelievable. How in the world she could afford those furniture then? Still deep in thought, he put down the phone. Suddenly, he cellphone rang, which snapped him out of his mind, shaking his head he picked it up and saw his mother name on the screen. He inhaled deeply before answered the call, cause when his mom called, that only meant one thing, trouble. "Hey, Mum! What's wrong?"

"Well, hello there, my son! No warm greeting for your own mother?" she sounded upset.

"Why should I do that, if I know you will use it against me later on? So, what is it?"

"Well, both of you will be coming home for your father's birthday party on Wednesday, right?" she asked in demanding tone.

He glanced at the calendar and just realized the date was approaching, he wasn't aware about it at all. Furthermore, he hadn't prepared the present yet. He would get a hell of scolding if his mother found out. After last Saturday party, he really wasn't in the mood for another party. So he thought he won't attend after all. But, refusing his mother's request was never an easy task. "I don't think we can! I had postponed a lot of work for our party, so I couldn't afford for another day off."

"You got to be kidding me!" here come his mother displeasing tone, "Don't you dare use your work as an excuse, young man! For Mother God, you are the boss, you could just appoint someone to take it over. It's your father's birthday, Can't you just put everything behind and prioritize your family once a while?" she screamed, and Arnold's immediately pulled away the phone from his ear before it damaged.

"Mum!" he used his serious tone, the one he usually use when he won't took no as an answer. She just didn't understand how much his work meant to him.

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