Cameron Dallas

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You're on your way to a MAGCON event, and you're so excited. You already knew Nash and Carter were going to be there, but they said Cameron couldn't make it. So, you continue to drive to the event.
When you get there, there's a shit ton of screaming girls already at the gate, but suddenly it goes quiet. You see a familiar face appear on the stage; Jack Johnson. They never said he was going to be there! You love how he sings, and so he sings one of his and Jack Gilinsky's song, (you're favorite song by them). After he's done and the girls are finished screaming again, Jack looks into the crowd and says, "okay, I'm looking for someone by the name of y/n?"
As he says your name, your heart starts pounding and you want to just die right there. Then, you walk up to the stage and he takes you backstage, a bunch of girls screaming that they want to go too. When you get back there, Cameron Dallas sits smiling in a chair, surrounded by Jack G, Nash, Matt and Carter. You want to just kiss every one of them, but Cameron signals you to go sit on his lap. You, of course, listen to him! He sings a sweet song into your ear, and then says, "how old are you y/n?" You tell him how old you are, and he smiles.
"Well y/n, looks like you're coming home with me."
He smiles and you just want to cry it's so beautiful. He hugs you one last time, and then you go home with him and stay for a week before you go home to your family.
But you will never forget that week....

*Authors note*
Should I do a chapter/few chapters on what happens that week with Cameron? Let me know in the comments!!

Magcon Imagines and PreferencesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt