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As I dazed out of class and into my thoughts that can sometimes cause minor issues for me (not just focusing wise), I noticed how beautiful the day was. I shouldn't be stuck in this class listening to some man that doesn't even know what he is on about. I should be outside drawing the clouds in the air and feeling the warm air on my somewhat tanned skin, but no, I'm in a clammy classroom with people who don't even acknowledge my presence.
Well when I say I don't even get acknowledged, I do but just not the way I would like. My nickname is teeth because one tooth on my bottom jaw is slightly crooked and hardly noticeable, everyone here has perfectly straight teeth so I stand out like a black sheep in a herd of white. Though everyone has at least one thing wrong with them so I tend to not be bothered by the annoying 'lads' who think they are hard...
You see, this school is corrupt, everyone takes drugs and stay up all night drinking their hearts out, or should I say lungs. I tried to go to a party one time yet nonetheless, I still brought my sketchbook and just drew and drew and drew. My sketchbook is sacred, I bring it everywhere, boys mock me about it and ask why its sooooo important, "its not" I say as it isn't, its just a habit. I like the idea of carrying it with me all the time so that if I see something that interests me, I just write about it or draw it. This scrapbook is full with pressed flowers, watercolour paintings, poems, observations, drawings and my all time favourite thing in my scrapbook, the surrealism paintings, I just go crazy on making them as they are so unique and each painting is different. I sound overly enthusiastic about art but I am just a passionate about it. Like I was saying earlier, my mind trails so easily.
"Hey Skylar"
"Oh hello, River."

Sorry if this is short and it drags on a bit, hopefully the next chapter will be more interesting ;)
Please leave feedback as I am new to writing x

ouch. // a river phoenix fanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin