Chapter 14 .
August POV
"I understand your hurting , I just can't imagine your pain baby." She sigh.
"I just have to move forward with life and just do everything for her." I said watching the water fall.
"Yeah, but it's not going to be that easy August. It's okay to be depressed for a couple of days, but Momma Sheila probably don't want you or Travis to be sad or upset forever." Jadah spoke.
"I understand baby girl." I said with a half smile. "I'm just getting somewhat use to it now. I low key knew it was going to happen." I sigh.
"You did amazing singing that song though." She smiled.
"Yeah, Ma' loved that song man. It was okay right for me to sing it. After today I probably can't sing that anymore." I slightly chuckled.
"Why?" She asked.
"Because ... I sung that at my Momma's funeral. That song is depressing now." I said.
"Right, like when I sung Jesus at my grandma funeral... I change it every time it comes on because I'll cry." She spoke. " She died of Cancer too." She mumbles but loud enough for me to hear her.
"You know, momma always said that she couldn't wait to see me go big with my voice. She couldn't wait to see me make it big." I said.
"You can still go big." She softly spoke.
"I don't know baby." I sigh.
"You can still make it big for your mother." She smiled.
"It ain't that easy." I said shaking my head.
"I actually know a guy that happens to be the Owner of the 'Dej Jams recordings' company. If you want I'll give him a call and see if you can give him a little something." She smiled.
"What if he just don't like me." I sigh.
"Do it for your mother August." she said.
I nod and she smiles.
"He'll never turn me down anyways." She said smiling.
I chuckle shaking my head.
"You're amazing." I said putting her on my lap. "How did you know I was here anyways?" I asked
"You told me that this is where you go whenever you need too think, relax and clear your mind." She said wrapping her arms around my neck.
"So you have good memory too?" I asked smiling.
She gives this big corny smile causing my to chuckle.
"How long you been here?" Jadah asked.
"A couple of hours." I shrug. "Thinking about old memories with all of us as a family with Ma' and Mel." I said looking up.
She drops her bottom lip.
"You ready to go?" I asked.
She nods getting up easing her way to the little rock stumbling a little bit. I chuckle a little following her to the car.
"You coming over?" I asked her opening the my car door.
"Of course." She smilies opening her car door.
"And I like how you stole my car though." I chuckle.
"Nah, but I'm going over your house." She giggles.
"Cool, I'll follow you to the crib den' " i said getting in the car. Closing the door and starting the car. Jadah back up pulling off and I follow her.
As we're like half way home she text me.
WCE. 💍🔐❤️: Pass me , so I can park behind you.
I lock my phone back and did as told. As I'm passing her she has her middle finger up looking at me with a straight face. I chuckle and move my car over in front of her car, Jadah started playing games😂. She purposely started riding on my ass. I call her.
"Hello." She answered.
"If I brake check your ass your going to be feeling some type of way." I chuckle.
"Party pooper." She said.
"I love you." I said hanging up.
We made it to the crib and I got out as Jadah did too. I waited on her to catch up with me and walk up the stairs to the front door opening it. I let her in first then closing the door behind me.
"It took me like 15 minutes to write this song for mama anyways." I said sitting down beside Jadah.
"Let me hear it then!" She spoke getting excited.
"You'll hear it whenever I sing for that man or whatever." I smirked.
"I'm about to call right now." She said biting her bottom lip and getting her phone, calling the number
"Hey, wassup Kevin." She said putting him on speaker, then mumbling for me not to say anything.
"Hey wassup Baby." He said, I raise a brow looking at her and she shrug rolling her eyes.
"Okay, I have this amazing male artist that I think you'll love to hear. He even have a song prepared and everything that he wrote." She said.
"What's his name?" He asked.
"August Alsina." She said smiling and looking at me.
"Uhm, well around 4 o'clock tomorrow tell the nigga to come over and you can come too if you want. And I'll be looking forward to seeing him and seeing what he got." He said.
"Great. You won't be sorry." She said hanging up.
"That easy?" I asked smiling.
"Somewhat." She smiled.
Jadah really gave me a good time today. We were singing Motown music and just having fun and play fighting and everything. But her parent started tripping and she has to go home😒, I walk her outside and too her car and she open the car door and I close it not allow her to get in.
"August, what are you doing?" She asked giggling.
"You thought you were about to leave without giving me a kiss?" I smirked biting my lip blocking her with my arms on each side of her leaning again the car.
She got on her tippy toes pecking my lips.
"What the fuck was that?" I asked pissed.
I get her by her waist and crashed my lips onto her instantly sliding my tongue in her mouth throwing her off guard. We started tongue wrestling until I start sucking on her tongue as I hear her let out a sexy soft moan. I gently bit her bottom lip pulling away from the kiss.
"And another thing.." I said before holding her head up by her chin. "Stop texting and driving." I smirked pecking her lips on me more time.
"Sorry, but Bye baby." She said.
"Don't never say that again." I said
She gives me a confused look.
"Goodbye means forever." I said.
"Well, I'll see you later baby." She smiled.
"That's better. I love you so much." I said.
"I love you too." She said wrapping her arms around my torso. I hug her back and didn't wanna let go, but she had to go before her parents start bitching again.