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Gray's POV

Natsu and I are cleaning the whole Guild Hall. . . By ourselves. If it wasn't for that stupid pink pyro trying to prove he can beat me we wouldn't be here almost midnight, but he just had to irritate Erza so now we are stuck here until the whole place is sparkling clean.

It's a little passed midnight once we finish and we walk outside totally exhausted. Natsu trips over something landing right on his face making me scoff. He's such and idiot. He doesn't even notice as a snore escapes his mouth.

He's asleep that quick? He just face planted on concrete.

My heart stops beating for a second when I look down to see what he tripped over isn't a thing, but indeed a person. I quickly push Natsu, who's laying partly on her, to the side as I check to see if she's breathing and has a pulse. I sigh in relief as I feel a steady pulse thumping in her neck.

"Hey." I say and shake her shoulders a little to see if she will wake up. I see theres a note held tightly in her hand. I gently pull it out and open it. The note reads:

We're done with her, so you can have her now.

My mind comes up with a million horrible ideas as to what they could have done with her. She's wearing a thin robe, her (H/c) hair covers most of her face. I slap Natsu's but he's still knocked out cold. I know what will wake him up though.

"Oh look, food." I say in a monotone voice and he shoots up from where he was laying down.

"Food! Where?!" He shouts.

"There is no food now look." I point to the girl who's laying on the ground.

"Woah, what the heck!" He says when it finally registers in his head.

"She was holding this letter." I respond and hand him the tiny piece of paper. His eyes scan it slowly.

"Well we better get her inside at least. Call Lucy and tell we to meet us at your place since it's closer from here then mine." Natsu instructs and as much as I hate following his orders I agree with him.

I call Lucy and explain what happened while Natsu carries the mysterious girl bridal style. Lucy says she's on her way and she'll alert Erza. It's not very safe to be on these streets at night so we hurry up to my apartment as fast as we can.

When we get inside Natsu gently places her on the couch.

"She's kinda pretty don't you think?" Natsu says, glancing at her. Her (long or short) hair was no longer covering her peaceful looking face.

"We shouldn't be thinking about that now. She passed out and we don't know what these people who left her have done to her." I reply even though I was wasn't going to deny that she's pretty.

We both go into the kitchen and discuss what to do while we wait for Lucy to get here.

Hi everyone! So this is just 567 words since it's just the prologue and usually the chapters are around 1500. My writing has improved so much since now (I have like 15 chapters of this book saved). I'll be releasing a new chapter every week or so.

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