My first job Part 1

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I wake up to someone shaking my shoulders and I groan, pulling the pillow over my head.

"Go away." I say but it's barely audible through the pillow.

"Come on. You can't be slacking today. We have to go on your first job and it's already 9:30." Informs a voice who I immediately recognize.

I shoot up, whizzing past a chuckling Gray into the bathroom to get ready. I can't believe I already get to go on my first job! My mind floats around at all the possible ideas. I rush to get ready as fast as I can and then walk up to Gray.

"Ok! Ready!" I say almost jumping up and down.

"Someone's excited." He says. Maybe he thinks I just want to go because I'm going with him.

"Of course I am! I'm going on my first job! It's gonna be awesome!" I chime and he lets out a tiny laugh.

"Ok then, let's go." He shoves his hand in his front pocket as we walk to the guild together.

"So what do you think the jobs might be?" I'm probably beaming with excitement if you looked hard enough.

"I have one picked out. We'll see if it's still there when we arrive though." He responds. I feel like he's planning something.

"Ooo ok. What does it involve?" I inquire while looking off into a canal on our right.

"Let's just say I hope your not afraid of bugs." He glances over at me. My eyes meet his and I squint a little as if it will help me figure out what the job is.

"Well it's not like I can remember but I don't think so. . ." I furrow my eyebrows and try to concentrate on remembering but nothing comes.

"Good. Then we should have no problem with this one." He smiles at me and return a smile. We walk in silence to the guild, not the awkward kind of silence, a comfortable one.

When we walk inside we both automatically go over to the job board. Gray takes a paper off the board, right when he was about to speak someone popped up behind us.

"Hey guys! We already have a job planned to do today so no need looking!" Natsu says, peppy as ever.

"Sorry, Natsu but I told (Y/n) I'd go on a job with her already since it's her first one." Gray informs. I can sense a fight coming.

"Why did you pick the snowman to go with you instead of me?" Natsu pouts turning to me.

"Well I di-"

"Because she knows I'm a lot more powerful then you, fire breath." Gray interrupts, his shirt gone again. Seriously how does he do that so fast?

"Oh yeah? Really is that why. . ." Natsu starts but I walk towards the table that Erza and Lucy are sitting at.

"Is that their way of showing love to each other?" I chuckled and begin to eat some breakfast I got from Mirajane.

"Yes. They're very odd friends. They've been like this since they first met." Erza states. I wonder if she has ever laughed?

We continue chatting until I finish my breakfast.

"Sorry to leave you both with Natsu but Gray offered to go on my first job with me today so we should probably be heading out. Bye!" I say more to Erza then Lucy since she doesn't know about me going on a job with Gray.

I wave to both of them and make my way towards the commotion at the other end of them room. Things are flying everywhere as more people join in on the fight. I'm not really sure how to stop it so I just stand there for a minute hoping they will stop but they don't. I sigh and call for Erza for help. She walks over and smacks Gray and Natsu's heads together which almost knocks them out.

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