Team Natsu

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I lay my head against the glass window, but not before checking to make sure the glass isn't searing hot as it was earlier.

"How did you like your first job?" Gray inquires while doing the same.

"It was actually kinda fun. I'm exhausted though." I yawn. My eye lids feel heavy but I refuse to fall asleep on the train.

"Well it will be even more fun when you join our team." Gray replies with a smile playing on his lips. Is he talking about the team made of him, Natsu, Lucy, Erza, and Happy?

"Is everyone ok with me joining? I don't want to ruin this friendship circle you all got going on." I ask. They all seem like really close friends and they just found me outside their guild a few days ago.

"I'll make sure you can but they should have no problem. Anyone who joins the guild automatically becomes friends with all of us, whether they like it or not." Gray mutters the last part, reffering to Natsu I assume.

"Why do you and Natsu even fight all the time anyways?" I chuckle which results in him scowling.

"Cause I'm ice and he's fire. . . " he says quietly, sounding almost like he ashamed.

"You seriously fight cause of that?! You know what I think? I think you both are actually really good friends and that's just how you show your affection to each other." I say with a smirk.

"Yeah as if I like that pink haired pyromaniac." Gray responds rolling his eyes.

"Deny it all you want, you know it's true." I say looking out the opposite window the the train, you can see Magnolia station approaching.

*Slight time skip*

I trudge off the train while half drag my belongings behind me. Gray doesn't seem much better then me. He tripped a few times while walking off the train. It's completely dark out now and we still have to find Jean and tell him that everything is ok now. . . Well the town is more demolished then anything but at least there's no killer cockroaches there anymore.

"It's already pretty dark out. I don't think Jean will be in the forest now. Should we go tomorrow?" I ask Gray who's a few feet in front of me.

"Yes. That would probably be best." Gray responds and I nod even though he can't see me. We get to an intersection where I go straight to get to Lucy's and Gray would turn right to get to his.

"Goodnight, Gray. Thanks for going on my first job with me. It was a lot of fun." I say. I really hate that I don't know whether to hug him or shake his hand or just walk away.

"You're welcome but I'm walking you home." Gray turns to face me.

"No you don't ha-"

"I'm going to anyways. It's dark out and these aren't the safest streets to be alone walking down. Especially a girl like you." He cuts me off.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!" I say furrowing my eyebrows.

"Nothing." Gray responds bluntly and pats me on the head. "Now come on."

I sigh and follow him. With every step I take I find a new sore muscle. We arrive at Lucy's place after a few minutes. I knock on the door and turn to Gray as I wait for Lucy to open the door.

"Thank you again." I say meeting his eyes and smile. I open my arms for a hug and about he looks kind of shocked. "Sorry. Too soon?" I ask as my face flushes and I drop my arms.

"No, no! It's just, I don't know, not many people here give hugs so I wasn't expecting it." He replied with a worried expression.

"Oh. . . I'm sorry. . ." I don't really know what else to say. Embarrassment washes over me.

So smooth (Y/n)

"It's ok." Is all he says before pulling me into a hug. A smile. For an ice wizard he isn't as cold as I would assume he is. I pull away and I see his cheeks are the tiniest bit rosy.

"Well goodnight. See you tomorrow." I say and almost on queue the doorknob jiggles.

"Goodnight. If you ever want to go on a job again just let me know." He says before turning and walking away. Lucy opens the door and rushes me inside, quickly locking the door behind her before flopping next to me on the couch.

"So. . . How was your first job?" She asks trying to hide her curiosity.

"It was good, actually more fun then I thought it would be. I really need to take a shower now though. We had to kill hundreds of giant poisonous cockroaches that were destroying this town. It was extra funny seeing Gray's face when he thought he killed them but the were immune to ice attacks." I go into further detail as to what happened.

"Is Gray as much of a mystery as you thought he was?" She asks when I'm done.

"No. Actually it's kinda weird. I feel like we've been friends for years, we joked around with each other and stuff." I said honestly.

"Aww how cute!" She gushes.

"Oh before I forget I have to ask you something." I tell Lucy and she nods in approval. "Is it ok if I join the team your in? Gray said he'll find a way for me to join but I want to be sure it's ok with everyone first."

"He really said that?" She says with a smirk. I roll my eyes and nod. "Yeah it's totally fine with me! That would be awesome!"

"Yay! Ok well I feel like there's bugs crawling on me so I'm gonna go take a shower." I tell Lucy and head to the bathroom.

I walk out of the bathroom in pajamas which is just an oversized shirt and shorts. Lucy is writing in the living room with a hot chocolate in her hand. I sit next to her making her jump and shove her papers in a desk.

"What were you writing?" I say raising an eyebrow at her odd behavior.

"N-nothing." She stutters and I give her a blank look. "Ok fine! I'm writing a novel but please don't tell anyone!"

"Don't worry I won't. As long as I get to read it when your done." I negotiate with her. She sighs in response.

"Fine! But I told Levy she could read it before anyone else so after her you can." Lucy counters as she hands me a glass of hot chocolate. I happily accept it.

"Deal." I reply. "Oh by the way, tomorrow after Gray and I find this guy in order to finish our job would you like to go clothes shopping with me? I figured that's the first thing I'd get with my money so I don't have to keep using yours."

"Sure! I know some really good shops we can go to." She suggests, taking a slug of her drink.

"Ok sounds good. Well I'm going to go to sleep since I'm exhausted. Goodnight." I say and finish what's left of my drink.


Sorry that it's kind of a filler chapter and it's on the short side. I planned on adding more to it but I figured it would be better just to wait until the next chapter. There's a really funny part in it!

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