Battling between ships, in two ways.

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Arriving the guild, shopping bags in our hands I'm greeted by Gray who's already in his dark blue swim trunks.

"Hey. Natsu and I will meet you at the pool." He informs with a wave and then starts fighting with Natsu again.

"I'm here too!" Lucy yells but they are already gone. She scrunches the side of her nose at them before we spilt into different rooms to get changed.

"Holy. . ." I hear Gray say, probably from out side as I slip the top of the bikini on and stare in the mirror at myself. Suddenly my stomach started to twist again as I felt more and more self conscious the longer my gaze rests on my reflection. I slip on a cover up and turn around only to scream a little when I see a dazed Gray standing in the doorway he looked like he got a nosebleed, probably from fighting with Natsu again. (Hee hee.) His cheeks were bright pink and his eyes were glistening.

"You scared the crap out of me!" I exclaim while clutching my chest. He stares at my which makes me want to squirm. After a few seconds he blinks and then snaps out of it. "Wait, how long were you standing there for?!"

"Not long. I didn't see anything except your back. We are all waiting for you. You ok?" He explains not necessarily making me feel better since I can tell you wouldn't get that reaction from seeing just my back.

"Yeah, sorry." I sheepishly respond and walk out with him. Lucy looks disappointed to see that I have a cover up on but happy that Gray was with me. Gray dives into the water while I walk over to Lucy.

"Come on! Let's get in the pool!" Lucy cheers and I purse my lips.

"I'm good." I respond while sitting down on a chair, sun tanning with my cover up still on.

"Ugh, how many times do I have to tell you that the bathing suit looks fine on you?!" She groans in frustration as more people start to jump in the pool.

"Yeah, you looked good when I saw you." Gray says with the slightest hint of a smirk while floating on his back in the pool. "All of us deserve to relax every once and a while, you know."

"O-Ok." I stutter, still flushed from his first statement even though he probably meant it as a friend. I take off my cover up and set it to the side, crossing one of my arms trying to cover myself up a little as my face burns from seeing Grays eyes on me. His eyes trail from my slightly defined abs to my guild symbol, just above my bikini strap on my right hip.

I feel someone pick me up and toss me over their shoulder. I squeal, failing my arms as I attempt to get out of the persons grasp. Natsu walks over to the edge of the pool.

"No! Natsu, please!" I beg, still fighting against him.

"Put her down, Natsu." I hear Erza demand, not even knowing she was here.

"Ok. Here you go, Gray!" He shouts, practically throwing me right on top of Gray, who manages to catch me but not before I get dunked under water, which isn't as bad as I thought it would be.

I wipe away the water covering my eyes and open them to see Juvia standing at the edge of the pool with a dark blue bikini, the edges laced with white.

"Gray, do you like the bathing suit I got for yo-" She starts but never finishes when she sees Gray holding me. I scramble to get out of Grays hold before she tries to kill me again. There is a lot of water here at her disposal. She looks like she's about to explode, but not with anger, with sadness.

"Don't freak out. Natsu just pushed (Y/n) in the pool on top of me so I caught her." Gray steps in. Juvia's expression changes to hope as she runs over to Natsu.

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