Not so strangers

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I never got back on that whale, I'm not embarrassing myself that badly ever again, even though I know I probably will anyway since it's just in my nature. Gray tried to play it off like nothing happened but he still got a little flustered when Lucy and Happy teased him.

Currently five of us were squeezed on the smiley face tube which was barely floating in the pool at this point.

"Hey, Juvia. I got something for you to impress Gray but I forgot it at my house. Do you want to go with me to get it?" Lucy whispers in Juvia's ear and she perks up, happily nodding as they say they will be right back. Lucy winks at me before making me up another excuse for Natsu to leave so it's just Gray and I.

I do feel bad for not telling Gray about everything in the letter even though now I'm constantly paranoid someone's watching me.

"I have to tell you something." I say, sitting up on the smiley face tube. Gray senses the seriousness in my voice and sits up also. "I didn't tell you the whole translation of the last letter I got. There was a part I left out. It mentioned my fight with Natsu and how well I did, but I got the letter before my fight with Natsu. The only way the person sending me the letters would know is if they were watching me."

Gray seemed more concerned then I thought he would be and seeing him like this made me more scared, he's usually so calm and collected with his feelings.

"I'll tell some people in the guild to look out for suspicious people. Don't stress about it, I won't let anything bad happen to you." Gray says, regaining his emotions and leaning back against the searing plastic.  I feel a lot better about the situation now. I'm really seeing a different side of Gray today, not that it's a bad one. I like it.

"Thanks." I say with a cheeky smile as I dive off the floaty into the water to cool off from the burning sun.

*Time skip*

I arrived at my house that night after Gray walked me home. My eyes fought to say open as with every step I took my bed seemed to be farther and farther way from me. I land face first into my pillow, not bothering to change out of my clothes.

I was worn out.

Who know swimming was so exhausting? Between that and being under the constant stress of feeling like someone's watching me I am pretty tired. I quickly fall asleep after that as my thoughts fade out.

Knocking at the door interrupts my slumber. I stumble to the door after the person, who better have a good reason for waking me up, keeps persistently knocking on my door.

"What?" I ask grumpily, honestly not caring if my hair is flipped all different directions and I look like a mess. Lucy comes bursting in my room.

"Hi, (Y/n)! I came early to ask if you had fun yesterday!" Lucy cheers as I look her dead in the eye with a blank face.

"Can't you come back later?" I ask, my half lidded eyes trailing to where she's now sitting on the couch.

"Nope! It's already 8." She says and I groan. That's still to early for me!

"It was fun. Can I got back to sleep now?" I ask, glaring at her to try and signal yes was the right answer but she ignores me.

"I spent all the time trying to make sure you and Gray had more time together and I don't even get a thanks!" Lucy exclaims and I yawn, going to the kitchen to get breakfast since I'm obviously not going to be able to go back to sleep anytime soon.

"Thanks but you didn't have to do that." I reply as I eat. She tries so hard. Speaking of which I haven't heard about her and Loke for a while. "How are you and Loke?"

"Good." She tries to hold back a smile while blushing. "Don't change the subject!"

"What do you want me to say! I'm not going to tell Gray I like him ever so your wasting your time!" I hear the front door open as Gray and Natsu walk in.

"What about me?" Gray asks, his shirt already discarded and I pray he didn't hear what Lucy and I were talking about.

"N-Nothing." I say as I excuse myself to go get washed up and changed.

*Another time skip cause I'm lazy*

I walked into the guild with Team Natsu and went over to the board to search for a new job. One request with writing in Swedish on it catches my eye.

Meet me at the cafe in town at 10:00 A.M. if you want info about your past.

That's all it said. I scrunch my forehead and look at the time. 9:45! I better get going!

"Anything interesting?" Lucy comes up behind me and asks. I hide the note I hold in my hand even though it's not like she can read Swedish anyways.

"Oh, well actually I found one but I forgot I had an appointment to get to this morning so I have to go." I explain, lying just a tad.

"Ok, will you be back later?" Lucy asks and I nod as I run out the door. I arrive at the cafe with barely time to spare. I stand out front casually, wondering if coming here alone was a good thing to do in the first place.

My stomach churns when I see a guy in a black hoodie approaching me, with his hoodie up, shielding most of his face. Black hair covered one of his brown eyes and he looked familiar, I just didn't know from where.

"You must be (Y/n)." He says and I get a chill down my spine. He makes it sound as if he didn't know what I would look like, but he'd have to in order to send me that letter. . . right?

"Y-Yes, I am. How did you know?" I ask, my guard still up. He glances around before continuing.

"I can sense an extraordinary power radiating from you and the only person who could hold such power is (Y/n)." He explains and I furrow my eyebrows. "I'm risking my life by being here so I need to make it brief. I used to be a messenger for the person who's sending you the letters, and the person who wiped your memory. They forced me to work for them against my will and I escaped. What I say won't make sense now, but when you gain all your memories back you need to remember this:

Your the only one who can defeat him. No one else in the world contains the amount of power you have, you just have to learn how much of it you have."

My mind is buzzing with this information. How am I more powerful then anyone in the world? Surely he's mistaken. Right when I'm about to question him further he pulls his hoodie up more when a bush moves to my right.

"I have to go. I hope we can meet when this is all over." He says before glancing at me one last time. Somehow that simple look made me feel a flurry of emotions all at once.


Hi everyone! Sorry this is so short, I wanted the end to be a cliffhanger. Also, sorry for not updating yesterday, I totally forgot! The next chapter will be one of my favorite chapters so far cause there's some really cute moments in it. See you again soon!

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