My first job Part 2

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I plop down back at our seats and get hypnotized by the fresh meat rolls in front of me.

"You're happy I got meat rolls I assume?" He laughs.

"Yes! I love them!" I exclaim, bouncing in my seat. I immediately dig in and by the time Gray is halfway done with his food, I've finished mine.

I sit back and rest my head against the window, who's glass I assumed would be cool, but is searing hot instead. I quickly pull my face back and scrunch up my nose while rubbing, what feels like burning flesh on my forehead.

It is a little before autumn you idiot. You should have expected the window to be hot.

"It's to hot." I pout while sinking back in my seat and crossing my arms.

By now Gray is done with his food and responds, "How do you think I feel. I'm an ice wizard so I'm melting!"

"Oh, yeah well at least you somehow get away with stripping all the time. I couldn't do that." I counter. We aren't arguing even though it might look like it. Neither of us are angry with each other. Just trying to make our points.
Except what Gray says next makes my face flush.

"Well, technically you could."

"No, no. I don't have the body type to make that work." I reply.

"Oh, so you're saying I do?" He asks with an eyebrow raised and I honestly don't know how to respond, because that is what I'm saying.

Did I seriously just. . .

"Ugh! I- That's n-" I start to defend myself but I can't get the words out. I cover my burning face with my hands. Even though this is the first time we've hung out it feels like I've been friends with him for years.

"Attention passengers, we have now arrived in Acalypha."

Thank god.

I get up quickly to grab my stuff but wait for Gray. As soon as we step off the train it goes whizzing away. I guess they don't want to stay here to long just incase the cockroaches get on the train. I almost forgot Gray was walking beside me.

"The cockroaches really did a number on this town." I state while looking around the abandoned town. The houses and shops are falling apart, there wooden walls torn apart, glass shattered across the ground. A man comes running away from one if the buildings.

"Are you the people from Fairy Tail?" He asks with his hands in his knees, gasping for air. He has an accent that I can't quite pinpoint. But one thing I did notice are the bruises spotting his arms and legs, even face.

"Yep. That's us. You must be. . . Jean Pierre?" I respond. He must be the one who sent in the request in since it looks like he's the only person here.

"Yes, that is me. Thank you for coming. As you know there are a bunch of giant, poisonous cockroaches that invaded our town. The only way you get sick is if they bite you with there pinchers on there face. It is too late for me but I have faith you both with survive and kill every last one of them." He explains. That means he got bit. That would explain the bruises all over him. "Now. I am going to take the next train out of here. I will be in the closest city called Magnolia hunting for a certain type of beetle that only lives in the forest there. You can find me in the forest on the west side of town. Please alert me when you are done. Goodbye." With that he takes off before we can respond.

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