Bed Ridden (Mashton)

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It was a cold winter day and Michael was sitting on the couch in a blanker burrito in his apartment that he shared with his boyfriend. However Michael's boyfriend wasn't home at the moment and all Michael wanted was to cuddle. He was freezing and he kept constantly sneezing. He had woken up this morning with a slight fever and a cold. He hated being sick but he couldn't control his body. He had made himself a cup of hot tea to soothe his throat but all he could really do was lay around on the couch. He could not get warm. Michael always loved being coddled when he was sick. He loved having someone waiting on their hands and feet for him but right now it was just him. His thoughts had drifted off to the time his boyfriend, Ashton, had gotten sick and he wouldn't let Michael anywhere near him. Ashton wanted to fight off his flu all by himself with no help whatsoever. Michael wasn't like that, he wanted his boyfriend to smother him with love. Ashton had been gone before Michael had woken up, he worked at a coffee shop down the street so that's where he was. Michael looked up at the clock on the wall signalling that Ashton should be home soon and it made Michael sigh, not the bad kind though, no he was happy that Ashton was coming home. 

Michael didn't have to wait long before the door was opening and his older boyfriend was walking in looking tired. He hated working at the coffee shop but it paid the bills so he couldn't complain. Ashton takes off his coat and shoes before making his way over to Michael. 

"Hey babe, how was your day?" Ashton asks as he sits down on the same couch and takes a good look at his dyed red haired boyfriend. "Wait are you sick? Why didn't you tell me? Are you okay? What's wrong?" He cups the younger ones face as he examines him.

"I'm fine Ash." Michael replies hoarsely. 

"You don't sound fine." Ashton tells him and Michael's eyes flutter shut as he leans into his boyfriend's touch. "Have you taken anything?" Michael just shakes his head no causing Ashton to sigh. He knew Michael didn't like to take medication, instead he liked to suck up all the attention he got from Ashton when he was sick. Ashton found it adorable but also slightly annoying. "Okay love, let's get you into bed." Before Michael can protest Ashton is picking him up bridal style and walking down the hall to their shared bedroom. Ashton sets Michael down on Michael's side of the bed.

"I'm fine." Michael repeats.

"Baby, we both know you're not. I wish you would have told me. I would have picked something up for you. Have you eaten?" Ashton asks as he sits beside Michael on the edge of the bed while he rubs his boyfriend's back.


"I'm going to make you some soup, then we can cuddle, okay?" Ashton tells him and Michael gives him a small smile of approval. Ashton kisses his forehead and it is indeed warm which makes him worried, clearly Michael is really coming down with something. Ashton gets up off the bed and walks back into their living room/kitchen area and begins to make the soup.


20 minutes later and he has another cup of tea for Michael along with some chicken noodle soup and crackers and as he brings it all back into the bedroom he notices Michael is curled up fast asleep. Ashton coos at the sight. Michael's cute little nose, he just looks so peaceful. Ashton sets the food on the dresser before getting into the bed behind Michael pulling him to his chest wrapping his arm around his waist holding him securely. He feels Michael intertwine their hands subconsciously as he lightly snores. 

Ashton begins to sing to him softly and Michael just cuddles into Ashton more. He just cards his fingers through Michael's hair. Sure he expected something different when he came home from work, something to relieve his stress, but he was quite content with just cuddling with his baby. He soon found himself slowly closing his eyes as he drifted off to sleep.


When Ashton woke up he realized Michael was no longer cuddled with him and he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. 

"Michael?" Ashton calls out. "Babe?" 

"In here." A small voice replies and Ashton immediately is springing out of the bed following the voice to the bathroom where he finds Michael crouched in front of the toilet crying softly as he throws up. The initial shock wearing off of Ashton as he goes to sit on the ledge of the bath tub to rub Michael's back. 

"Sweetheart, I think you really need to take something." 

"This sucks." Michael groans. 

"I know, I'll go check the medicine cabinet and see what I can find." Ashton leaves Michael once more to go into the kitchen and look at the cabinet that is right by the sink opening it to their assortment of medicines. He decides on a nausea and fever reducing pill along with some ibuprofin and thinks that should be good for now, he fills a glass of water before turning back to go to his boyfriend. "Here babe, take these." Ashton hands him the pills and the water and waits for Michael to swallow them. 

"Thank you." Michael says quietly. 

"Do you feel like you're gonna be sick again?" Ashton asks and Michael shakes his head, "okay let's get you back into bed." 

Ashton helping his boyfriend up and guiding them back to their bedroom. He gets Michael sitting in the bed putting several blankets on him making sure he is tucked in well enough, he sets up the DVD player and TV in their room and puts on a random Disney movie before going to join Michael pulling the younger boy into his side. Michael wraps his arms around Ashton's waist and he is content in his lovers arms. 

"I'll take care of you baby, always." Ashton tells him while peppering Michael's face with cute little kisses causing Michael to giggle. It was Ashton's favourite sound. 

The two stayed like that for the rest of the day, Ashton ordered pizza because he wanted to cheer Michael up but he could barely eat one piece. However Ashton just figured Michael needed to sleep off this bug he caught and that's what he does. Ashton let's Michael rest cuddled up to his side as they watch movie after movie. Ashton constantly looking out for the younger one and every now and again he would kiss Michael's head. He absolutely adored the boy and he wouldn't want to be with anyone else. Even with one of them being sick both boys were absolutely full of love for each other and both of them wouldn't have it any other way.

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