Jealousy [Malum]

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Everyone knew in the band who the two closest were. You couldn't have one without the other, they were attached at the hip. Yes, Michael and Calum. The two had been best friends longer than anyone else. They had such a close friendship anyone could see that just the way they acted around each other. Michael and Calum had no personal space with each other, constantly stepping over each other's boundaries. They were as close as two friends could get. That being said when Calum found Michael getting close with their drummer, Calum got jealous. It was odd for him to get jealous, he knew he had to share Michael with the other two members but sometimes he just wanted to cuddle with Michael and just have him to himself. Sure it was selfish, but Michael was Calum's best friend. He loved him so he sat on the tour bus watching Michael and Ashton laugh with one another. Calum honestly just wanted a Michael day but nope. He was so consumed by his thoughts that he didn't even know Luke was trying to get his attention, well until Luke finally gave in and punched his arm.

"Ouch! What was that for?" Calum turns to his blue eyed friend. 

"Dude I've been trying to talk to you!" Luke exclaims, before lowering your voice, "stop glaring at them, it's obvious you're jealous." 

"Shut up Luke." Calum snapped.

"You want Michael's attention, and for the past few days he and Ashton have been hanging out a lot. Of course you're jealous." 

"Luke stop talking." 

"No. Admit it." 




"Just fucking admit it Calum!"

"FINE! I'M JEALOUS! BETTER?" Calum yells at Luke, what he forgot about was Michael and Ashton could hear him and once he realizes this, he is getting up from his spot and running into his bunk, quickly shutting the curtain and curling into a ball. He cannot believe he finally admitted his feelings. He just missed his best friend, he just wanted to hug his best friend. There hadn't been any CalumandMichael time, and he wanted that. Calum just laid there, listening to his breathing, squeezing his eyes shut. He was thinking, 'why did Luke have to do that?' 

"Cal?" He heard the voice of Michael ask quietly outside his bunk. 

"Go away Michael." Calum sighed. 

"No, talk to me." Michael stands his ground.

"Go back to Ashton." Calum groans still not moving from his spot. 

Michael was fed up so he pulled the curtains opened causing Calum to wince from the light. Michael pushes Calum over and hops into the bed beside him, making sure he closes the curtains behind him, they needed some privacy.

"Cal, talk to me." Michael says quietly.


"Calum, you're my best friend, if something is wrong, I want you to tell me." 

"Oh really? Never would have thought I was your best friend lately." Calum pouts, sure he knows he's acting childish and selfish, but in his mind Michael is his, and Calum is Michael's. He's never been jealous before so he doesn't know why he is getting this way now. 

"Come on Calum, we are all best friends here." Michael states as he wraps his arm around Calum's waist to cuddle him. 

"No Michael. We are all friends, sure we are like brothers, but you and I are different. You and I are closer. I've known you the longest. So no we are not all BFFs!" Calum says the last part in a high squeaky voice. 

Michael does something that neither of the two were thinking but he did it anyway, he leaned into Calum and kissed him. Right on the lips. Both boys were shocked and both pulled away quickly.

"OH MY GOD!" The boy shouted in shock.

"What? Why did you just? Huh?" Calum rambles.

"I have no idea. Oh my fuck." Michael rubs his face with his hand in frustration.

"Michael you kissed me." Calum states blankly.

"I know Calum." 

"But you kissed me." Calum repeats kind of awestruck. 

"I don't know what came over me. I am so sorry." Michael rushes out. 

"No don't apologize." 

"OH MY GOD YOU LIKED IT!" Michael points out which causes Calum to groan and bury his head in Michael's shirt from embarrassment. 

Did he like it? He never thought of his friend that way, hell none of them were into boys, they were always having one night stands with girls after gigs. They didn't get attached to someone but here Calum is contemplating whether he liked Michael's lips on his. Instead of trying to work it out in his head he kisses Michael this time. He needs to be sure, he needs to know if he did like it. He sets his lips on Michael's not moving or anything just holding his puckered lips to the older boys. Before he can do anything, or pull away Michael begins to move his lips on Calum's. Michael brings his hand to cup Calum's face and to hold him in place and now Calum is kissing back. Michael rolls on top of Calum not breaking the kiss, instead he deepens it when he traces his tongue over Calum's bottom lip. Calum tangles his fingers at the hairs at the nape of Michael's neck. They make out for about 2 minutes before they pull away.

"Fuck." Calum states breathlessly as he looks up into Michael's eyes. 

"I think I liked that a bit too much." Michael says as he looks down to where their crotches are pressed up against together.

"Wanna go back at it?" Calum offers and Michael grins before leaning down to capture Calum's lips once more with his.


"So did they finally get together?" Ashton asks Luke. 

"Yup. It's about damn time. I guess our plan worked." And with that the two high five, and maybe they grabbed some headphones to drown out the sounds that were starting to take up the majority of the bus but they finally got what they wanted. They always saw the way how Michael and Calum looked at each other, and they just wanted their one true pair to get together, sometimes jealousy works wonders. 

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