Chapter 18: Joey comes home!

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I had finally reached the recognisable red door of my house and used my spare key to unlock it. I stepped over the threshold, the familiar scent of cigarettes, inscense and must. 

"Hey, I'm home!" I yell throughout the house. Adrienne walked out of the kitchen, a towel in her hands.

"Hey, Hun! Weren't you with Billie to the Psychologist now?"

"Yeah. I guess I couldn't really take the pressure of it, so I left. Billie knows where I am. He understood." I said truthfully.

She nodded, her eyebrows furrowed. 

"Alright, well, while we're here, I have a surprise for you..."

I furrowed my eyebrows questioningly, Adie must've noticed because of she motioned her head back. I complied and followed her back into the kitchen. What I saw made my world turn brighter...'

"JOEY!" I screamed, jumping into his arms. He laughed and stumbled back, but quickly regained his balance.

"Hey, Kiddo." He smiled.

I kissed him everywhere on his face and hugged him tight.

"Ew, Girl cooties!" He laughed. I hopped off him and rolled my eyes.

"Yes, Five-year-old?" Which only caused him to lift me up and over his shoulder.

"Huh? What'd you say?" He said before running out of the kitchen.

"Don't kill each other you two!" Adrienne shouted which only caused us to laugh.He threw me on the couch, where Jakob, surprisingly enough, sat. I flopped on top of Jakob and flipped my head back to look him in the eye.

"Hey." I said simply.

"What the fuck..." He said lowly, obviously confused which only caused me to laugh at his expense.

I got up off of his lap and hugged Joey again.

"Oh my god, it's so good to see you again, Joseph. You and your biblical name." I said, struggling to ruffle his hair as he was a good three feet taller than me. Damn height difference.

He laughed. "It's good to see you too, annnnd I got you something from Palmsdale."

"You went to Palmsdale?!"

"Yeup. Quite a boyfriend you got." He said.

"Oh my god, you saw Jimmy?!"

"Yeah! He came to the show." 

"He must've remembered you pretty well."

"He better! He's dating my sister and lived in our house for a week!" He smirked. I just rolled my eyes and looked back at him.

"So, hand it over."

He smiled and pulled something out of his pocket. It was a silver, chained necklace that withheld a small charm that consisted of a blood red rose, the back engraved with; 'All my lovin'.

My smile grew wider, I was about to speak up before Joey pulled something else out of his pocket. A letter. I smiled grew huge and I opened the letter.

Hey, Love.

I met your brother at his show in Palmsdale and made sure that he had given this to you. Please text when he hands it over. Anyway, I booked his show just to meet up with him in regards to you. I just wanted to let you know how much I miss you, and I wanted to tell you over something other than a measly boring text.

I hope all is going well, your mom is a fucking mess. I always see her either in the pub or the liquor store. I'm kind of the eyes and ears of Palmsdale now. Ren bailed on us, so I take patrol over Halfway Point now.

We lost four partners. Ren, Maddy, Lauren and well, you. I hope to speak to you soon and I can't wait til you come down to Palmsdale again in a couple weeks.

I love you so much, and Billie better be teaching you right! I'll have him by his throat!

Stay Safe.

All my Lovin',

Jimmy Saint James (Wink, Wink)

I chuckled at the last part and tears brimmed my eyes to the point where I couldn't see what was in front of me. I grinned widely and looked at Joey.

"That better be happy tears!"

"T-They are."

He smiled relieved and hugged me tight.

I definitely felt alot better.

I can't wait til Billie gets home, it'll be a real family moment. 

And I love my family...

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