Chapter 22: 6 Days left...

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~Neo's P.O.V~
I woke up groggily as the morning sun shone through the curtains and into my eyes, blinding me so my eyes squinted away the rays.
I sat up stiffly and stretched out my arms and legs, my joints cracking unnaturally.

I yawned and looked around the sunlit room until my eyes landed next to me, a sleeping figure tangled half-assed in the sheets. I smiled lightly when I realised who it was.
His hair was still spiked up, but tousled messily, His fingers still bound by black electric tape.
His eyeliner was smudged raccoon-like around his eyes and he was gripping onto the pillow like it was his life support.

I laid back down on my side and stared at Jimmy's amazing features.
I smiled a bit and ran my finger down his nose lightly, barely touching him to which his nose twitched slightly. Like a bunny. I giggled softly and retracted my finger before traced down his nose again.
His nose twitched a bit more as his eyebrows furrowed. He moved his hand up and swiped at his nose. I giggled again, covering my mouth so I wouldn't wake him up.
I removed my hand and instead of touching his nose, I moved forward some and kissed it.

His lips quirked up in a smile before he growled and pulled me on top of him, catching me off guard. I squealed and covered my mouth, making Jimmy laugh hysterically. I sat up, straddling his waist before leaning down and kissing him on his delicious lips.

I say back up and Jimmy placed one hand on my hip while his other hand was placed cooly behind his head.

"Good morning, love." He said with a raspy, but sexy voice.

"Mornin', handsome." I smiled. I placed my hands on his chest as he rubbed circles on my hips gently.

"What do you want to do today?"

I swallowed nervously and looked away.

"Um, look for Dad." I said, nodding.

He furrowed his eyebrows and sighed.

"Where would we even start?"

"I know a place."

He cocked an eyebrow, indicating for me to enlighten him.

"You remember Christie Road, yeah?"
He sighed again and nodded. "Well, I think it's best to start there."

"You think he's there?"

"I have a good feeling he is. I'm telling you, he's the same guy."

"How can you be so sure, sweetie?"

"The voice is unmistakable. I'm so sure of it." I sighed and tilted my head back to the ceiling as Jimmy messed with my hair.

"When do you want to go?"

"As soon as possible..."


I sat on Jimmy's lap at the table as I chomped on spoonfuls of froot loops.

Adrienne staggered in, her dreads in a messy ponytail and her PJ shorts crinkled from what seems like constant movement. Her eyes had prominent bags under them and her previous makeup job was smudged, as she didn't take it off last night.

"Fuck, my head." She grumbled, rubbing her forehead with the palm of her hand.

"Let me get you some Tylenol," I said as I hopped off Jimmy's lap. "You can finish my cereal, babe." I said as I walked over to the first aid cabinet. I heard clinking of my bowl as Jimmy started to plow into the sugary sweet substance. Poor thing, should've asked him if he wanted some.

I opened up the cabinet and retrieved the bottle from the shelf, popping the cap and pouring out two pills before replacing the cap and shoving it back onto the shelf, closing it shortly afterwards. Adrienne was finishing off making herself a coffee as I handed her the two pills.

"Thanks, hun." I smiled gently and kissed her on the cheek before walking back over an plonkin my sorry ass right back on Jimmy's lap. He had finished off what was left of my cereal and placed the bowl on the table.
Adrienne had vanished back upstairs after she took her pills, leaving me in worry.

I sighed and turned back around to Jimmy, swinging my left leg around him so I was straddling his hips in the chair. I placed my hands on his shoulders and leaned in for a assuring kiss.
Once we pulled away, the look of concern never faltered from his eyebrows and it just wanted to make me kiss it away. If only it were thy simple. To kiss everything away. The pain, the confusion, the fear, the anxiety.
It would be jut outstanding if we could just kiss It all away. I wouldn't be able to get enough.

"Why are you staring at me like that?"

"Is everything okay?"

"How do you mean?"

"I mean...up there." He said, pointing to my forehead. I looked down and puffed out my cheeks only to look back up and shrug one shoulder.

"I don't know. The doctors, the medical bills, the stress, the anxiety, the insanity...and now this. This shit just keeps getting better and better." I sighed shakily as I finished off my statement, raking my fingers through my hair.

"Hey, love. Baby steps." He said, his voice induced with impetuous passion. I leaned into him, my head on his chest. He gently stroked my hair reassuringly and kissed my head.

I picked my head back up and looked into Jimmy's eyes. The deep brown and amber shining translucent as the sun shone through the curtains and landed on his impeccable features. I traced my thumb over the bottom corner of his chin as he rubbed his on my cheek bone.
I sighed once more and got up of his lap. I seem to be doing that a lot lately. Oh, something went wrong. Sigh. Oh, I have to move. Sigh. Oh, I feel bad for my fucking boyfriend who is carried away in all this bullshit just so he could be with me. Sighhhhh...

I placed the bowl in the sink and didn't look back as I swaggered off in the direction of the staircase, climbing the steps one by sluggish one.

As I reached my room, my gaze fell upon the mobile phone on my nightstand. I got dangerously curious and walked over to it, trying to decide whether or not I should call Billie's number or not. (You see how I said his number and not Billie himself?). Fucking shit.

My thumb made circles In the air as it hovered over the seemingly burning hot device in my hands.
I bit my lip before slowly tapping his number on the screen.

It rang. Three rings. Three tries. Three strikes and you're out.


I couldn't believe my ears. It was him!

"Dad! Daddy! Where the fuck are you?!"

"Jingletown! I know I'm in Jingletown! I'm in this shed near the 7-11, you know it?"

I didn't know if I knew it or not. I knew at least one shed, or one close-by shed that was near the 7-11, and that was Christian's oh-so-humble abode. The place where he took me in while I isolated myself from Billie with our altercation. Our conflict.
It couldn't be...can it...?

"Neo, baby, you still there?! I have about two seconds before I-" He stopped abruptly as I heard an extra, but very familiar voice. One that I had nightmares over.

"Hey! How did you get that?!" He yelled at my dearly beloved father.

"Neomi! Come quick! He wasn't joking about the 7 days thing! Remember to-"

He was cut off again by more yelling and rustling over the phone.

"Good luck." He said before hanging up.

I just stood in shock as the dial tone rung out in my ears. Remember to do what?


[A/N: Dun Dun Dun! Cliffhanger! Ooohhh. That's right, I did it. Anyway. Enjoy! This should keep you guys occupied for awhile]

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