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Picture of me above!

1. What happened on that night when she, Jimmy, Adrienne and Billie went to go save Adrienne and the boys?
Okay, okay. I know I promised in this story I would explain everything with the kidnapping and the PTSD and the Meds and nightmares, yadda, yadda, yadda. I know! I just kept writing and the kidnapping just kept slipping from me, so in return; I have decided to work up towards that in the hopeful future of a trilogy. Stay tuned!

2. Will Neo's mental health become better over time?
I really don't have an answer to this. I plan, trust me, I plan out my stories, but I don't completely plan the whole chapter, so usually I just write whatever comes to mind, meaning I'm no good when it comes to staying on topic. However! This section will be explained in the possibility of a third book!

3. What will happen to Twitch?
As Twitch is an alter ego of Neomi, it's obviously attached to her, meaning he is now a character of the Held Close series. Twitch plays an important roll to the story. As nasty as that sounds, it's sadly true. You will realise Twitch's and Neo's bond together hopefully in the next book!

4. I got one question? What are thooosee??!! (Real actual question. Thank you to @TreIsCoolerThanYou )

5. How can you write so good? I mean, wtf... (Again. A real question)
Look, guys. I believe anyone is a good writer if they really set their mind to it. I mean, Thank You so much for believing I'm an excellent writer! It means a lot! But, I personally think that if you plan out; whether if it's on paper or a file saved in your head, it will all come together.
I try my hardest to drag things out and complicate things for you to think about, but unfortunately, that's not always the case and I come across a nasty case of Writer's Block. It's hard to work through, but once you get through it, it' just flows!

6. How long does it take to write out a chapter and publish it?
Depending on writers block and whether I want to make a long chapter for you guys to read, it typically takes 1-2 weeks to fully write out a proper chapter and to edit it before publishing it out for you guys to read. Usually fillers take like. Ten minutes (usually made by writers block of a piece of writing on the go).

7. Where did you come up with the plot line and characters for Held Close?
To be honest, the characters such as Neomi, Jimmy, Dr. Reeves and Vivian all just kinda popped in my mind. No planning for these. It was back when I started writing the first chapter of the first book and I was already flowing out my writing to suddenly realise 'Oh, shit. Characters.' And for me to rapidly think up of names. (Although, we all know where Jimmy came from.)
The plot line really came from different areas. To be a Fanfiction writer, you have to read fanfics. So, I got some ideas from different stories and pieced them together to make Held Close!

8. Have you ever thought about dropping the stories altogether??
Actually, yes! I have had many, many encounters where I almost hit the delete button on the Held Close books! I hated my earlier writing in the first book. It was too rushed and I realised the plot didn't make any sense, however I never got up enough to courage to change it up. So, sometimes I had given up on the story and entered Wattpad to just delete the stories. But, I'm so glad I didn't! Held Close #1 reached one of the hottest and most recommended Billie Joe fanfictions! Thank you to all my readers! It also reached almost 10k reads! Held Close #2 reaching 5k! Thank you!
(However I'm definitely going to delete The not so perfect, perfect girl. It's muddled and all over the place! I apologise for any inconvenience!)

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