Chapter Seventeen

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"Mom! Dad!" Jade exclaimed, practically shoving her current dance partner aside to rush over to her parents. "Hello, darling, did you enjoy running the kindom while we were away?" Her father asked, enveloping her in a hug before she went to hug her mother.

"No. I don't like adult responsibilities." She said in response.

Jingle, befuddled, had no idea what was going on! Ryan, sensing her confusion, explained. "Queen Jade was only a stand in for her parents, while they went off to attend the wedding of their oldest daughter, Princess Loorni. You didn't know because the news hadn't really left the castle."

"Oh." Was all Jingle could say. Unbeknownst to her, the writer had this whole plot twist planned since the beginning, but it sounded a lot better in her head than it does written down.

More heartwarming scenes ensue. But PRINCESS Jade isn't the main character of the story, so who cares!?!?

The music started up again.

Jingle and Ryan faced each other. It was a new song. "I... I don't really know this one." He admitted shyly, and Jingle laughed.

"That's okay, I think I need a rest from dancing anyway." She was worried that her heart might jump out of her chest, with how fast it has been beating lately. Maybe romantic moments weren't healthy.

"I think there's a magic show going on over there." Ryan pointed to one part of the ballroom, before he took ahold of Jingle's hand. She blushed a deep red, surprised at his actions. "So we don't get lost in the crowd." He explained, avoiding eye contact. His face equally as red. He led her through the people to the stage where the entertainment was supposed to happen.

On stage there was a man in a purple robe like thing. "I am Cedric, the great!" He said, puffing out his chest in confidence. But then he noticed the crowd of people and started stuttering. "W-What I will show you is... um... Real magic! Not tricks!" What a silly man. There was no magic in this world! (I think... did I include magic? I don't think I did...) But it was interesting to watch none-the-less. With the encouragement of a little girl at the front of the audience, Cedric was able to perform some nice magic tricks. Really wonderful too, that anyone that couldn't see it or read about it would really be missing out.


When the show ended, Ryan and Jingle noticed that a new song had come on. A more cheery one. Just as Ryan was about to ask Jingle if she wanted to dance to this one, another man approached her. This one she recognized. "Jingle... you, like me, must understand how one such as dark as I, am suffering in a place so full of bright lights and fun... You must dance this song with me, to bring the shadows of our hearts to the surface and let all know that we-"

"Nope." Jingle didn't care if she offended Remmie.

Being in the lead this time, the young girl took the knight's hand and pulled him out into the center of the room.

They went into the dancing position and started to twirl around the room. The fast paced music was fun and joyful, but not as emotional as the slow music was. Jingle wanted to know what Ryan was about to say earlier. But he made no moves to tell her.They had no time to chat since they were focused on keeping up with the beat and the other dancers.

Soon, however, the music died down, and both Jingle and Ryan were out of breath. "Follow me." He said, taking her hand yet again so that they wouldn't get separated. This time, however, they went away from the festivities, and he brought her outside. She didn't realize that the sun had already gone down until they took a step out of the door. The cold night air felt nice on her warm skin, instantly cooling her down from the exhausting dance.

Jingle followed Ryan in silence, and it seemed he wasn't going to say anything until they reached wherever he wanted to go. They went to the gardens, not too far off from the ballroom, and stopped at a marble bench. Ryan sat down first, and then Jingle sat beside him. The bench was short enough that their shoulders had to be touching in order to both fit. "Are you having fun?" He asked, his eyes directed up at the sky, where millions of stars covered the darkness.

"I am. It's a beautiful night."

'Like you...' She half-expected him to say. But this was no cheesy romance film. "It is." He responded simply, before moving his head to look at Jingle. She, however, was already looking at him, so their faces were inches apart from each other. "It seems like we always get interrupted, when we're this close." Ryan said softly, if he was blushing, she couldn't tell. The young girl could only hope the mask of darkness covered her own. Even the cold night air wasn't enough to stop her cheeks from burning up.

"Interrupt us from what?" She asked, staring into his eyes.

Without a moment of indecision, Ryan closed the little distance between them with a kiss. "That." He said simply, once he pulled away. A smile coming to his face.

Jingle stared wide-eyed in shock, unable to say a thing. She was silent for a long time. "Oh, was I... wrong... to think...? I-If so I'm really sorry, I just-" Ryan was doubting if what he did was the appropriate thing to do.

"No!" The girl blurted, placing a hand on his shoulder. "No, you weren't wrong. I've... I've actually... really liked you for a long time." She admitted, before pulling her hand away. Before she could he grabbed it and held it in his own.

"Not fair," He said. "I wanted to say that first. You've been a great friend to me, Jingle, and for the time that you've been here and the time that we've spent together, I've only found that my feelings for you has grown." She smiled. She was so happy she felt like she could fly.

The music, which could still be heard from the garden, and changed to another slow song. "Would you like to dance?" He asked, standing up.

"Yes, very much so." Jingle responded, rising to her feet. "My feet kinda hurt though so I don't know. High heels aren't the most comfortable thing."

"Oh. Then maybe we could eat some more or something?"

"Sounds perfect!"

-- the end --


Jingle decided that she didn't want to be a jester anymore. Although it was her dream once she realized that she didn't want to really be a jester, she just wanted to make people laugh and enjoy what she did.

She decided that her real love was with drawing, and decided to be taught by that one contest guy person some chapters ago. Originally he was gonna be at the ball and she was gonna talk to him there, BUT it was easier for her to ask Jade to go talk to him for her.

Queen Jade and her always forever was absotootly friends and even though Jingle had a bf it didn't get in the way of their friendship. In fact, their friendship was so strong that Ryan was jealous sometimes.

Jingle continued to stay in the castle, making her wages as an artist, while Ryan continued to be a knight.

Jade had many admirers for some reason, it was like all the handsome guys except Jingle's guy and the weirdos fell in love with her. ;))) she's gorgeous

okay the end


short storie(s?) coming laterrrrr

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