Chapter Four

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 The rest of the meal was even more awkward with the loud crashes and screams that came from both Jerrica and Lilly. The boy that had been helping them both cook the meal actually ended up serving Sir Ryan and Jingle the rest of the time. He was quiet unlike the others, not saying a word as he handed bowls fool of the finished soup to the two at the table. He only gave a nod in response to their thanks before shyly hiding himself. "He's a good boy." Ryan commented as he scooped up a spoonful of broth. "He helps in here rather often. Gets a nice copper piece from it, I understand." He had to raise his voice so that he could be heard over the noise of the chase in the background. He had a deep voice, part of the reason why Jingle assumed that he was older when he had his mask on. She actually really liked hearing it.

 There was another pause in their conversation. It seemed as if he was struggling to keep it going, so the jester thought that she should probably say something in return... if only to hear his voice again. Luckily, she had a question in her mind that she had been wanting to ask. "Why... do you think the queen chose me?" Although she hadn't paid attention to her surroundings at first, she knew that there had to be other people in the room other than herself, the queen, and her royal adviser. Sir Ryan was probably in the room and heard all her foolish jokes as she sputtered then out. If so, maybe he had seen the people that went before her. By comparison, she didn't have as much to offer. She couldn't even juggle.

 Sir Ryan seemed to be in thought for a moment. Seriously thinking about how to answer. Jingle thought that it was nice that he was taking the effort to think about it.  "Honestly I have no idea... but... I think its because you're different from the rest. Unique." Jingle's heart thumped. Maybe he meant that she was odd. But he made it sound more like a complement. "I'm... not too sure how to explain it. Maybe ask the queen yourself at tea?" The very idea made her break out into a nervous sweat. "Ask the queen? Isn't that inappropriate or something?"The corners of his lips raised slightly. He really did have a sweet smile. Jingle had to force herself not to look at his lips. "Normally it might be. But Queen Jade is unique too. I don't think she'd mind you speaking your mind or asking questions." "Oh?" "Well, I'm probably not the best person to ask. I actually haven't been a knight for long. I just hear things around the castle, you know? Hall gossip. Anyway, I've spoken to the queen on a few occasions and she's seems to be the type that cares about her subjects."

 After they both finished their meals, Sir Ryan offered to show Jingle around the castle and escort her back to her room when they were finished. A good thing as Jingle had already forgotten the way to her quarters. During that time they had actually conversed quite a bit. It was strange. She felt like she had known him for a while. They were actually getting pretty comfortable around each other. Jingle even made him laugh more than once. Surprisingly, he jabbed some jokes right back at her. He was so quiet at first that she didn't realize he had a good sense of humor.

 She almost regretted having to part ways so soon. "Don't worry about making the queen laugh. Just be yourself and you'll do fine." He assured her with another grin. She stood at the door and watched as he disappeared around the corner before she went back into her room to change. This was her first time trying on the completed jesters clothes. Due to correct measurements and her mother's skill, the clothes fit perfectly.  It was made specially for her after all.

 Thoughts of her parents made her suddenly miss them even more. Having them so far away was unusual. She already missed her father's cooking and her mother brushing her hair.

 A knock at her door caught her attention. It was time to meet the queen again. When she opened the door she found herself disappointed at seeing the grumpy guard instead of Sir Ryan to escort her. But this time he looked to be in a better mood. "Follow me." He said in a way that wasn't a suggestion. Jingle closed the door behind her quickly before practically sprinting after him. His pace was fast. He didn't even try to slow down for her. She was worried that shed be out of breath by the time that they reached the tearoom. However, he slowed down considerably when they went down a hall that the maids were cleaning in order for him not to run into any of them. He halted abruptly when they reached their destination. Jingle stopped just in time before she rammed into him, her nose just inches away from his back.  "We're here." He announced gruffly before stepping aside to let her in. Jingle had the urge to call him what he was: a grouchy old man. She decided against it because of how intimidating his eyes were on her.

 Slowly and gingerly the girl stepped inside the door. There were people inside talking already.

 "Does it say anything else??"

 "No... but they should be here in a few months time. My queen, please don't slouch."

 "But no one's here."

 "You must correct your posture so that it becomes a habit."

 The female let out a long sigh. "Yes, I know. I'm sorry."

 "Um. Excuse me." Jingle squeaked as she walked into sight. The only people in the room was the queen and her royal adviser. "Hello." She said,  giving a small wave in greeting. She was wearing a different dress now. Not as extravagant as the one she wore on the throne, but just as luxurious looking. It was a light yellow dress with white sleeves and lace. The advisor glanced up to her. His eyes scanned her, as if looking for something to disapprove of. But that look of disapproval never came. He looked back to the queen. His eyes soft; gentle even. "Your highness, scheduled dance lessons are in an hour and a half. I suggest that you not spent too much time in here so as not to miss them." "Yes, I know." The queen did not look too eager to go. In fact she seemed like she dreaded the idea.

 With a bow to both women, the older male left the room with a confident stride. That left both of them alone and made Jingle a little less nervous to be without his judgmental gaze.

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