Chapter Six

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 The smell coming from the kitchen made Jingle's stomach growled. It wasn't too long ago that she had some cookies in the tea room. "I'm sure Jerrica will give you something to eat." Ryan commented, as he reached for the handle of the door. The jester didn't reply, embarrassed because he heard the rumbling of her tummy. The kitchen was busier this time. Probably because it was getting close to dinner and they had to make food for all the workers, and possibly even the queen. 

 Jerrica wasn't the only adult this time, several other cooks had joined the kitchen, and it was hard to spot her in the bustle. But Jingle caught sight of her, covered in flour as she quickly stirred some batter inside a metal bowl. She lifted her head for a slight moment and caught sight of the two of them at the door. She gave them a smile before she handed the bowl to a lady at her side. They exchanged a few words, and then she started to walk in their direction. "Hello! What do you two need?" She asked, looking between the two of them with interest. "Food." Jingle blurted, while Ryan said "Have you seen my helmet?"

 The female answered Jingle first by two loafs of bread. She handed them each one, even though Ryan protested against it, saying that he wasn't hungry. "Sorry, no honey butter this time. But that bread is filled with jam instead." Jingle's mouth started to water. "Like I was saying, have you happened to see my helmet?" Jerrica started to shake her head. "I'm sorry but I--- wait." Jerrica closed her eyes to recall past events. "I think I noticed Lily carrying something shiny." The woman groaned. "Maybe she took it. That child, I swear. I'd help you look but... the kitchen needs me." Ryan nodded. "No matter. Jingle and I will find her and see if she has it." "If she does tell me, I'll give her a stern talking to."

 They both left the kitchen. "Well, we have a suspect but no idea as to where to find her." Ryan said, sighing. "But at least it's a lead." The young lady said positively. "You're right about that." The knight looked down at the loaf that he held in his hand. A rumbling sound then emitted from his stomach. It seemed he was actually hungry too! It made Jingle feel less embarrassed at her outburst. "The garden is nearby. Would you like to take a break and yet there?" Jingle smiled. "Sure!"

 The sweet smell of flowers filled Jingle's lungs as they stepped out into the garden. It was filled with many variaties of plants. Jingle, being no botanist, didn't know half the names of all the flowers. Only the common ones like roses and daisies. "There's a bench over there." Ryan said, pointing over to a chair below a wooden arch entangled with vines and surrounded by red carnations. The two of them took a seat and began to eat the bread that was filled with fresh, homemade strawberry jelly. It was so delicious that they didn't really have the time to talk as they were stuffing their mouths full. Well, Jingle was the one stuffing her mouth, but Ryan was eating just as enthusiastically.

 Afterwords, with their stomaches full, they had the time to talk. "I spoke with the queen." Jingle said, stairing up at the arch. "She is very kind. She doesn't make me feel like I'm below her or anything." She glanced over at the prince. "Like you." To her confusion he suddenly turned his face away to examine one of the flowers to his right. Was he blushing? "Yes, the queen is known for that, albeit to her adviser's dismay. I have heard that she lacks the attitude of the usual royal." "Hmm..." Jingle looked up again. "You think we could be friends?" She felt Ryan's gaze turn back towards her. "I'm sure it's very possible. The queen probably lacks friends." "I'm glad. That we could be friends I mean, not for her lack of them." Her words stumbled nervously as her brown eyes met Ryan's. Suddenly, she realized how little space was between them. The bench wasn't all that big. She could smell the polish on his armor and see each lash of his eye. Jingle spoke up again. "A-And how about with you?"


 "Can we be friends?" He smiled, another sweet, sweet, smile that immediately made her smile back. "I thought we already were." Jingle could feel her own heart pick up it's pace. The beat thudded inside her ears. Was it loud enough for him to hear? There was a strange feeling in the air between them. She felt like something was going to happen before a noise cut the peacefullness of it all.

 A voice. A girl's voice. Lilly's. "Oh! You're such a wimp!" She shrieked. She was nearby. The two of them both stood up immediately. His shoulder bumped into hers and almost knocked her over. He caught her in time before she fell. Another moment passed between them then as they once more stared deeply into each other's eyes. "And you call yourself a man?" The moment was ruined again, whatever kind of moment that was, and the two of them started to head towards the voice with much haste. 

 When Lily came into sight, they both saw a knight's helmet tucked under her arm.

 "That's mine." Ryan confirmed, with only a glance.

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