Chapter Nine

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A few months passed and Jingle was used to her life at the castle. Though, she had started to think that she wasn't fulfilling her job the way she was supposed to.

The times that she was supposed to have spent doing her 'job', really all they did was eat cookies and drink tea. Well, juice for Jingle since she didn't really like tea that much. The queen discovered that on her own.

Anyway, she didn't even have to try to make jokes. All she did was talk normally, and say something funny and the queen would laugh. She didn't juggle. She didn't make a fool of herself. They just talked. "Um. I don't know how you feel but... I consider you a friend." The queen said quietly, before sipping her tea. She didn't meet the jester's eyes, like she was too embarrassed to. "I know I'm queen and all, but I feel like a normal girl when I'm around you."

"Isn't it wrong for us to be friends?" Jingle asked, nervously. "No, it isn't wrong. But I'm sure some old-fashioned people would think so." It was as if she was implying someone in particular. "Then we're friends." Queen Jade's eyes lit up. "I'm glad. I don't have that many friends. The ones that I do have live in other kingdoms and... well I don't see them all that often."

"You aren't friends with any other people in the castle?"

"... well... no. They're all kind to me, and I believe I am kind to them... But they see me as royalty and it's hard to become friends with them."

"I don't really see you as royalty. Oh, erm. No offense."

"None taken. I know that's how I am. Mister... erm... my royal adviser wants me to change but... I'm not too sure I can."

"I think you're fine the way you are."

"Yes, but I don't think I'm fine for a queen." She sighed, before glancing up at a clock. "It's about time that I meet him. He's going to lecture me about kingdom history." The two of them stood up and said their farewells.

Jade seemed rather depressed, and Jingle wondered if there was some way she could cheer her up.

In these two months, Jade and Ryan were not the only friends she made. She had met Parker's sister, Sydney, who also helped out in the kitchen at times. Her main job was buying groceries for the kitchen though, along with a few other people who helped her carry the things.

With Jade having her lessons and Ryan busy patrolling the town, Jingle decided to go bother- erm- visit Sydney in the kitchen.

"So, are you planning to go to the harvest festival?" She asked, as she kneaded some dough for Jerrica. "Festival?" Jingle hadn't heard that there was to be one. She had only been to a few festivals in her life, whenever they passed by a town that had one. She had a lot of fun with her parents at them. "Sometimes I forget that you weren't raised here. People get really excited when it comes around. There are performers, shows, games, merchandise, and food. It starts tomorrow evening." Jingle recalled Jade telling her that she had no work that she had to do tomorrow. Was that because of the festival? "Oh, and also some people like to wear masks to get into the harvest spirit."

An idea sparked in Jingle's mind then. "I think I will be going." "Cool! I'll be going into town later today. You want to go with me?" Jingle nodded, she had planned on visiting her parents anyway. They had found a house and settled in quite well these last few months.

Jingle's stomach began to rumble, and then their topic changed to food.

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