Chapter One

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 The carriage rocked back and forth offering the people inside no comfort. But even if they did have a smooth ride or cushions on top of the wooden floor they sat on, they still would not be able to relax. Today, they were going to meet royalty. Today, their fates were going to be decided. Whether they would live in luxury or be forced to survive on the sides of the streets. It was all up to whether or not they could impress the queen.

 One girl in particular was more nervous than the rest. They had all been traveling together for three months and during each night she saw everyone practice their talents. After each day passed, she felt more and more like she had less to offer than the rest. She saw a man pull out ten bunnies from his top hat and a woman covered with ink markings swallow a sword. A sword! And what could she do? Offer some jokes? Make a fool of herself? Draw? What kind of royalty would want to see that over someone who can breath fire? Make someone disappear? 

 Jingle felt herself sink further into depression. She pulled her knees up to her chest and leaned her head against the carriage wall. They were going to reach the palace soon. She wondered if it would be better to give up now, rather than embarrass herself in front of the person who ruled the land she stood on. But what then? She'd have to make a living on the roads entertaining; only getting a few copper coins a day. She had a chance to have something better right now, even if it was slim, it was still a chance. If she gave up now then she'd regret it for the rest of her life.

 The young female was interrupted from her many thoughts at the sound of the carriage driver announcing that the castle was in sight. She hadn't noticed the suffocating silence that settled in the carriage, stressed by the lively bustling of the people outside. She had to assume that they were passing the market area of the town, but didn't bother to check. Right now her legs were like jelly, she knew that if she stood up right now they wouldn't be able to support her. Instead, she tried to regain her strength and courage as the troupe steadily approached the castle.

 A warm hand was placed on Jingle's shoulder, reminding her that she was not alone in this. Her father smiled at her. She offered a half-hearted smile in return. Hoping to cheer her up, he placed a chocolate truffle in her hand. It was something rare and expensive. Well, to them anyway. She realized that he must have done a lot to get it for her. On the other side of Jingle was her mother, who placed her finished outfit on her lap. Her jester's clothes, something that she looked forward to having ever since she decided to become a jester, and she had determined to wear it if the queen chose her. "Thank you." Was all she managed to say, and she finally gave them both a real smile.

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 Despite her parents' many efforts to help her relax, Jingle found herself a nervous wreck once again as she stood at the entrance of the throne room. There were many performers assigned to go first. She wasn't sure how many, but did it really matter? All the people she looked up to were ahead of her. The queen HAD to pick one of them. She shrugged, resigning herself to think about what she would do after this. Go back to the troupe? Or travel on her own? Well, there were some places she wanted to visit. If only she could get the funds...


 Maybe if she couldn't make money with jokes, she could always draw? She enjoyed art.


 But that was a hard business. Maybe she could be the apprentice of someone. That could work.


 The impaitent shout pulled her back down to earth and she was being stared down at by a grumpy looking guard. "You're next." He stated, frowning. "What?! Oh. Yeah. Right. Okay." She shuffled forward, aware of the burning glare the guard gave her. Honestly, she didn't know what was happening until her brown eyes met another pair... and then she saw the crown. "Oh." So the others... they... failed? 

 "Hello, what is your name?" The queen asked, smiling weakly at the girl. "Uh. Jingle." She sputtered. "Nice to meet you, I'm Jade--" "Your majesty, you do not need to give her your given name." Said a man to her left. He was in his late twenties, his black hair sleeked back. He looked clean-cut, but morning whiskers were still evident on his chin. He was probably the royal adviser. "Oh. Right. Sorry." The queen responded, frowning at his disappointed expression. Jingle was unsure why she even wanted to give her her name. She cleared her throat before turning back to Jingle. "What will you be doing?" "I'm a, uh... I'm a jester." The man beside the queen gave a 'no-duh' kind of look before speaking. "Then you may jest."

 "Knock knock!" Jingle blurted under the pressure of his gaze, the queen scowled at the man secretly at his rudeness, then responded after a pause. "Who's there?" "I dunno."

 Silence filled the throne room. Jingle fidgeted nervously in her place. All at once, the queen bursted out laughing, her eyes immediately watering with tears. The jester took this chance to throw out more jokes. "Why did the chicken cross the road?" "W-Why?" She asked through her giggles. "To get lunch." "Why?" "Because he was hungry." The queen started laughing again, the man beside her looked very confused. "That doesn't make sense!" She said, but continued to laugh anyway.

 Jingle gave her more and more jokes, and the queen laughed at all of them no matter how ridiculous they were. At one point it looked as if she was going to topple over laughing.

 "You-You're hired." The queen finally said, clenching her stomach that probably hurt now. "Knight, please escort Jingle to her new quarters. And please send my apoligizes to the other performers for not seeing their acts. I'm sure that this is the person I want." Jingle was then dismissed, the giggling of the queen echoing behind her. She was escorted out of the throne room by a man covered from head to toe in shiny armor, with a fancy looking sword hanging on his side. He didn't really look at her, but through the slits in his helmet Jingle could have sworn that she saw an amused look in his eyes. 

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