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    Imagination is more important than knowledge

Winnie's head thrummed with words that slammed into her head out of nowhere.

Her car swerved on the street, the sophomore quickly pulling back into her lane. She clutched her head with one hand and steered with the other, wincing violently.

It felt like gunshots, obliterating her nerve receptors as she drove home from the fiasco at Scott's house.

Winnie shoved her car into park as she reached her driveway, doubling over in slowly subsiding pain. She swore as she rested her head down on the steering wheel, something inside making her reach for her sketch pad.

She was drawing directions, a map of travel that caused her to reach for her phone and call Stiles. The moment it picked up, she passed saying hello. "Are you following Jackson?"

"We've been trying to follow Derek-"

"Where are you?" she asked over Stiles' ramble.

"On 23rd around downtown," Stiles replied. "Winnie, what is it?"

"Just trust me." Winnie stayed in her car, tracing a finger along the hand drawn map. "Take a left, right now."

Roscoe squealed a little, taking a sharp turn.

"Holy- it's Derek!" Stiles exclaimed.

Although Winnie wasn't there, she had a pretty good idea of what was happening.

"-And he just jumped a fence."

"Watch out for the spikes," warned Winnie as her finger moved along her map.

Both Scott and Stiles nearly missed it, the Jeep coming to a stop not far from sharp, unfriendly looking tire spikes.

"What do we do now-" Stiles' voice cut off, Scott already out of the car. "Jesus, are you kidding me?" he grumbled as he kept Winnie's call to his ear.

"Just, it'll be okay. Derek and the kanima are fighting under the old subsidary in the loading bay. That's where Scott's headed - oh f-" A glint flashed across her eyes, panic arising.

"Winnie? Winnie talk to me."

"Uh, sorry just go to Jungle, okay?" Winnie rubbed her temples, closing her eyes. "The club Jungle. Scott'll be there. It's on 80th and 9th, that's it."

"You're a lifesaver," said Stiles as he forced Roscoe into a 3 point turn.

"No, that's your job." Winnie hung up the phone, climbing out of her car with her bag and sketch book. A fuse seemed to be lit in her, and her threshold of anger only seemed to grow as she went into the house.

Winnie dropped her things on the bench by the stairs, only taking her phone with her as she walked out to the back porch.

Aaron looked up, on the phone. He quickly ended the call, putting his attention on his daughter. "I was wondering when you'd be home."

"No you weren't," she snapped as she took out a bobby pin from her hair and opened the sim port of her cell.


"Don't," interrupted Winnie. "Stop acting like you have nothing to do with this." She pulled a small, webbed device out of the sim port but left the sim. "Don't bug my phone. I know you were listening because how the hell else did the Argents know exactly where to find the kanima."

Aaron picked up the cellular bug off the table where Winnie had set it. "This would all be so much easier if you weren't involved."

"Yeah, well maybe you should've thought about that before you forced me to come here, so tough shit." Winnie retreated back into the house, steam practically coming out of her ears as she went up to her bedroom and slammed the door shut.

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