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    "I was really hoping you weren't a part of this."

Winnie's heart thudded unsteadily, closing her eyes as Matt held the dead deputy's gun to her face.

"Not you, Jones," Matt softly said with pain in his voice.

"Matt, please-"

The boy in stripes shook his head, "No, it's too late, Winnie. It's too late."

Winnie kept her eyes on the sophomore, "I drew you, I know I did. Why didn't I know it was you?"

"Your window's a lot easier to unlock than you think," Matt told her with a knowing expression.

Winnie narrowed her eyes, "You took my drawings?"

"Only the ones that were incriminating to myself." Matt gave Winnie a look, "Man, you draw some messed up stuff, Jones."

"It's not a choice," Winnie replied as her focus flickered from the gun to Matt. "But you don't want to shoot me."

"I don't?" he asked haughtily.

"No," Winnie quietly said, "no you don't."

She's right. Don't shoot her.

A tear brimmed in Matt's eyes, "You don't know me."

"That's where you're wrong, Matt. I do. I do know you." Winnie tried to keep her calm against the fact her life could be ended in a second.

"Stop talking," Matt sharply said. Don't let her get to you. "Take me to the others, now."

Winnie slowly moved around, holding up her hands lightly despite that she in fact had her own gun on her. She took Matt back to the office hall, a defeated look on her face as Stilinski and the boys perked up. Matt pushed Winnie further into the room with gun, shoving it against her shoulder. He blocked the way out, an angered look on his face.

"Matt?" asked Stilinski calmly. "It's Matt, right?" He held up his hands, receiving a nod. "Matt, whatever's going on, I guarantee you there's a solution that doesn't involve a gun."

"You know, it's funny you say that," Matt pointed out, "because I don't think you're aware of just how right you are."

"I know you don't wanna hurt people," Stilinski said.

"Actually, I wanna hurt a lot of people." Matt motioned to Winnie, "Don't worry, she already tried this on me. You four weren't on my list, but I could be persuaded. And one way is to try dialing somebody on your cell phone, like McCall is doing."

Scott quickly pulled his hand out of his pocket, earning looks from both Winnie and Stiles.

"That," Matt expressed, "that could definitely get someone hurt. Everyone put your phones on the desk." His face hardened, "Now! Come on!"

The four of them pulled out the phones, setting them on Stilinski's desk.

"Jones, grab the sheriff," Matt ordered.

Sheriff Stilinski gave Winnie a nod when she was hesitant. "It's okay, Winnie."

"He's gonna lock you up," Winnie said aloud, having heard the plan in Matt's head.

"How did you-" Matt cut himself off instead raising the gun to the teen. "Y'know what, I don't care. Take him, now."

Stilinski walked out to Winnie, nodding lightly to her. "It'll be okay."

Winnie took his arm, taking him out of the office. She heard Matt make Scott and Stiles follow. She brought Stilinski to the drunk tank, the holding cell for minor infractions. When she stopped, she felt Matt press the gun against the top of her spine.

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